Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Heavenly Scents

While cooking dinner last week, I heard honey opening the door coming home from work so I dropped the ladle and went out of the kitchen. The moment I stepped out of the kitchen door, there he was standing in the dining area with a red box in his hand. He told me, “I have something for you.” It was a perfume, so I asked him why he got me this. He said, “Oh, nothing, I just remembered this perfume from Tita Z and she loved it and I thought you’d like the scent. And besides your other perfume is half empty now so might as well get a new one.”

Sheesh, I didn’t even noticed that the other perfume I was using is already half empty. How blessed am I to have a husband who looks after me like this. He does a lot of tiny gestures that make my heart flutter and of course he is also Mr. Grand Gesture who makes my tummy somersault.

I couldn’t believe how heavenly the scent of the perfume is the moment I opened it. I’m not sure though if my giddy heart had any influence on that.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I remember honey and I saw the first Transformers movie while we were on vacation in the Philippines and the brilliant effects and fast-paced story kept us at the edges of our seats. No wonder, honey was very keen on taking me to the movies for our last week’s date. Personally, I didn’t like Transformers (the animated series) I preferred Voltes V, but as it turns out, honey was a fan. He even gave me a gist of his favourite episodes.

We decided to see the 6pm showing of the movie (being the 2nd IMAX screening of the day) rather than the normal screening at 5pm. We were stunned by the very long queue that greeted us. It was free sitting so everyone was trying to get ahead of everyone to get a good seat. As I didn’t want to get squished we just decided to let the bulk of the crowd to go ahead of us before we went inside. Luckily, we still managed to get great seats.

As expected the special effects were spectacular. The movie didn’t have any dull moment in it, it was action packed, comic reliefs were right on target and all the action scenes would make you hold your breath. Oh and my favorite autobot would have to be Bumble Bee, I feel giddy each time Sam calls him "Bee"... so cute!

Honey and I enjoyed the movie immensely and if you’re looking for an enjoyable film for the family, this definitely should be one of your options.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

A very delayed Father's Day Post

I really wanted to make honey's very first Father's Day as special as it can be because it's his very first. I ordered a gift for him online a couple of days before and I also bought a cute card where I'll write him a letter. I thought everything was going according to plan. However, when Friday come and went without me receiving the package, I knew it wouldn't arrive in time for the special day (and up to the time of posting this, we haven't received it yet!). I was so frustrated but thinking that there’s no point of making a big fuss over something that I can’t control, I just focused on beautifying my card.

It’s been a while since I’ve last written to honey so I knew he’d like this card a lot. And the moment I saw this adorable looking card, I knew this was what I was looking for. This post is late coz I didn’t want to take chances of honey peeking here and seeing the letter I wrote for him.

I am sharing with you now what I wrote on the card and as expected honey liked it a lot!

"To my Honey,

Another chapter of our love is about to unfold and we are about to face a daunting experience, but every fibre of my being is full of excitement and optimism that with you by my side, this will be a part of our journey that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

I’m filled with joy as I think of how lucky our little angel is going to be having you as a father. If s/he will receive even just a morsel of the love you have shown me throughout these years, then s/he is gonna be loved like no other child has been or will ever be loved.

You have been my rock all these years and having you by my side have made me stronger and made me want to become better in everything that I do. I have no qualms that you will be the fortress that protects our child, a light to our precious gift and an inspiration for him/her to become the best person that s/he can be.

I wanted to make this day, your very first father’s day, special for you coz I know, without a doubt, that you are the best Daddy in the whole world.

Bee and I love you so much!"

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

What’s in a name

My name has always invoked curiosity especially with newly met acquaintances or friends. See my name is not at all unique, but when my name is given to a girl, that’s what triggers the questions. I’m the sixth daughter (we’re seven siblings in all… no boys) and my parents decided to give me a boy’s come what may. I actually like the idea, and if ever our little angel is a girl, I’m contemplating on giving her a girl’s name with a boyish nickname (like Alexandra with a nickname of Alex… cute right!).

Now, I’ve received another tag from Niko and it gives a link to a site that translates your current name into its 1950s version. What? I got curios obviously and so off I went and followed the link. I wasn’t expecting a very girly 1950s name, it sounds so cute. Its sounds so Wizard of Oz that I imagine myself wearing a ruby red shoe. Haha

Your 1950s Name is: Dorothy Wanda

Head on over to the link to discover your 1950's name. Oh and please link back here so i could know what your names are. Have fun

Monday, 15 June 2009

Angels and Demons


I’ve been wanting to watch Angels and Demons for weeks now, but somehow, going to the movies gets bumped off by other more pressing (or other not so pressing) matters in my weekend to do list. Finally last Saturday, for our week date, honey took me to the movies.

It’s not surprising that there is so few of us inside the cinema, after all, the movie is on its third week of showing. It made the ambiance of watching the film more conducive for me though, I never liked a cinema that is packed. I must say that I liked Angels and Demons (the novel) better than The Da Vinci code which fuelled my excitement to see the movie. I was curious as to how the makers are going to fit all the exciting portions of the book into a two-and-a-half-hour movie. The movie was enjoyable although, if feel that there were certain important areas in the novel that weren’t fully developed in the movie. Of all the cast of characters, I liked Ewan McGregor’s portrayal of the carmelengo the most, I think he really gave a convincing performance. As expected, there were deviations from the novel and I think that a person who watched the movie without reading the book first will be more entertained, and completely clueless as to the ending. .

Although I’ve enjoyed the novel immensely, I was a half expecting to be disappointed with the movie as I was when I watched The Da Vinci code (the first Dan Brown novel translated into film) but to my surprise, I did enjoy the film and can say that it’s definitely worth watching.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Meat Haven and Holy Cow Chop House

Honey and I, we both love our meat, and given the opportunity, we are willing to sample a good steak. Honey, more than me, is in a quest to find the steak the best steak for him. See, honey’s criteria does not only grade the steak itself but also the condiments and side dishes that goes with it. So far, if my memory serves me right, the top two steaks on his list are the one that we had at Planet Hollywood in Dubai and the steak from Wilma & Albert here in the Netherlands.

During our holidays in the Philippines, I told honey we should try the steaks here in Manila as well, only thing is, there are just so many restaurants that we want to try that is why trying out steaks take the back seat. However, after visiting my very friendly OB-Gyn, my sister A, honey and I had our lunch at Robinson’s Place Ermita and while looking at possible options where to dine, I saw Holy Cow Chop House. The restaurant looked so inviting and I remember having read great reviews about this restaurant so off we went and grabbed a seat. For starters, we ordered calamari and nachos, both were really good. For our main course, my sister and I had the Tiger Prawn and Steak Platter while honey ordered the Rib Eye Steak. I really liked the mushroom sauce that was served with the steak, although the tiger prawns were a bit bland and dry for my taste. I think the steak that honey ordered was a real winner, it was tender, the juice oozing with beefy goodness and cooked just right (you see honey and I prefer our steaks to be well done but still juicy) and the matching side dishes and mushroom sauce perfectly blends to the creaminess of the meat. Paired with a tall glass of lemonade, this is one satisfying lunch. Too bad, all of us were too stuffed to order dessert, next time.


(honey's steak)

(tiger prawns & steak)
Although Holy Cow’s steak didn’t make it to honey’s list of favorite steaks, their steaks are definitely worth a try. I know we will once we’re back in Manila.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Spring, Summer and Breakfast

Good weather is not at all common in this part of the world that is why a lot of people have been ecstatic about the wonderful spring/summer we’ve been experiencing ever since we got back from our holidays in Manila. Our temperature ranges from 16-28 degrees Celsius and that may not be very warm for a lot of people but I must say we’re really quite happy with it.

To make sure that we get the most out of this rare blessing, honey and I have been having our breakfast at the roof terrace during weekends. I must say, it improved our mornings immensely. See, I have planted some strawberries, blueberries, and some other potted plants in the roof terrace and it’s great to look at them and enjoy the sight of these growing plants while enjoying a mug of hot chocolate.

Honey also organized a potluck barbecue, two weeks back, at the park with some friends. We’ve put up a tent, brought some barbecue stuff, plenty of drinks and buckets and buckets of rice and started feasting. Everyone had a grand time.

As I’ve said time and time again, spring is my favourite season of the year and as it turns out, my favourite season has been extended this year and I am a happy gal.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

The Spoiled Preggy Lady

I just wanna say, I love being pregnant. For starters, at fourteen weeks now, everything has been a walk in the park, no morning sickness, no aversion/cravings for food of any sort. I was expecting for the worst really but it turns out that our little baby Bee is not giving mommy any difficulties at all. Then, there is my ever doting honey, who has always spoiled me through the years, is finding more ways to spoil me even more! He took over my chores at home and even when I’m cooking he would tell me to just tell him what to do and he’ll do it so that I can rest. And although he knows I’m not experiencing any cravings, the moment I ask for something, he goes out of his way to get. Oh, I just can’t ask for anything more from my honey, I simply love him!


After browsing through my favourite baby sites, I have learned that at fourteen weeks our little Bee is now the size of a clenched fist. My, oh my, he’s getting bigger, no wonder my pants are starting to feel snugger. Sooner or later, I would have to bring out all the maternity clothes honey and I bought while in Manila.

Although I know that we’re far off from the finish line, if my first trimester is any indication of how this pregnancy is going to be, I am really looking forward to the rest of our pregnancy terms. I am one lady welling with happiness and contentment at the moment. That should be good for Bee as well I think. After all, one happy mommy equals one happy baby!