Wednesday, 26 August 2009

3rd Wedding (8th) Anniversary, and we’re off to Rome!


Three years of marital bliss and 8 wonderful years of being together, now this occasion needs to be celebrated with a bang. This thought kept running through Honey’s and my mind when we were trying to plan for our anniversary get away. We wanted to celebrate in a place that is also special, if not as special as the occasion is for us. After considering a lot of factors and our circumstances, honey and I finally decided that the perfect place would be in Rome, Italy. We also settled for a date that is less than a month earlier than our anniversary thinking that on our anniversary, I’ll be 30 weeks pregnant and we’re not sure if I’m still up to the task of walking around to explore a beautiful city.

Looking back, I can’t find the words enough to express my gratitude on all the blessings that God has showered upon us. And as tiring as the last weeks have been, the downpour of blessings have been undeniable. More so, I can’t thank God enough for the love, happiness, peace and all the other wonderful gifts he bestowed upon our marriage (and our relationship) over the years.

Honey and I are excited to explore a famed city that we’ve never been to before to celebrate our special day knowing that next year, we’ll have a little angel tagging along with us.

Finally!!! After weeks of waiting, we’re heading off to our trip. After weeks that have been crazy busy, a week of lounging in the pool, lazily strolling to witness the famed sites and feasting on authentic Italian feast is a much welcome relief.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

How old is old?!?


The past couple of weeks have been crazy! (or I’m just making excuses for completely neglecting this space for a while now. Thing is I have posts lined up I just couldn’t find the time (and energy) to edit photos that go along with the post.

So to ease my way back and to get my blogging mojo up and running again, I have decided to take up Niko on her tag. There is only one question actually, how old is old?

Isn’t it thought provoking and I must say, with my pregnancy and all the stuff we’ve been doing to prepare for the coming of our little angel, I’ve been thinking about this question for some time now. However, I’m really not worried about the age, per se, what I’m thinking about is how wise or mature have I become over the years. You see, I’ve always believed that one can grow old without being any wiser or one can be young but be full of wisdom beyond his years. Age for me is relative, just this year when I turned 28, I told honey that I don’t feel anything different from when I was 21, seriously. But now, I think I would have a different feeling next year when I turn 29, coz then I’m expecting to have matured more and to have gained more knowledge and experience after going through a pregnancy and giving birth to a new life that we love and care for more than life itself.

Thinking about it, this is a tough question “how old is old?” and to be honest I don’t know the answer. Is it the wrinkles, the bifocal glasses or the persistent rheumatic attacks on one’s knees that signify you’re old? I really don’t think so. I told honey once that even when we aged, I still want to travel with him, do our weekly dates and explore things that we have never tried before. I know that with age comes a certain degree of limitation on a body’s capabilities but it’s really in one’s heart and mind. So I say, I think one is old when his heart looses the desire to live life to the fullest and one is old the moment he allowed his heart to tell him so which causes him to loose vigor and enthusiasm. In my opinion, being old is not the number of years you’ve lived but the moment you’re hunger for life ceased to exist and you’re content to stare at a blank wall waiting for something inevitable. And I do hope and pray that I will never see that day.

How about you, what do you think, how old is old?

***this is my entry to Cathara's birthday contest.

***I'm passing on this interesting question to Emarene, Ayie, Cess, Beth & EmDy

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Better half tag

I've received this tag from Niko and I was intrigued if I'm able to answer all the questions. I've realized that I know most of the answers to them but some of them I was uncertain and had to ask honey while we were having breakfast. Turns out my guesses were correct. This was a fun tag to do.

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
~ Eurosport or CNN

2. You're out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
~ mango chili dressing

3. What's one food he doesn’t like?
~ New York cheesecake or any fish dish he doesn't recognize

4. You go out to eat and have a drink, what does he order?
~ orange juice or iced tea

5. What shirt size does he have?
~ medium to large, depends on the brand

6. What shoe size does he have?
~ 11

7. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
~ bacon and eggs

8. What would he eat everyday if he could?
~ mangoes and atis

9. What is his favorite cereal?
~ choco pops (does it count even if he really doesn't eat cereals he just buys them for the free toy hehe)

10. What would he never wear?
~ he’s very adventurous with what he wears, so he wears pretty much everything.

11. What is his favorite sports team?
~ real madrid, manchester united (football) & cavaliers (NBA), we both really liked Ginebra (PBA) before.

12. Who did he vote for?
~ I don't think he voted the last elections.

13. Who is his best friend?
~ Me, of course

14. What is something he does, but you wish he wouldn't do?
~ stay up really late. (he's a nocturnal creature hehe)

15. What is his heritage?
~ Filipino

16. You bake him a cake, what kind of cake?
~ he really likes the prunes-walnut cake and the mocha mammon cake that I make for him

17. Did he play sports in high school?
~ yes, basketball, table tennis

18. What could he spend hours doing?
~ surfing the internet, watching movies and organizing stuff!

19. What is the unique talent that he has?
~ organizing, and he’s very good with directions

20. What's his type of coffee?
~ he rarely drinks coffee but he would chose fraps if and when he would.

How about you, how well do you know your better half, give the tag a try and see how you do, oh and if you decided to do the tag, please link back here, i'd love to see your answers.