From the very start, we have given Bee her bath at night. This way, it became a pre-bedtime activity for us three. Bath time for Bee has always been fun, boisterous and splashy, specially now that Bee is kicking a lot. I observed how much fun Bee is having when she is aplattering all over her bathtub. This is the reason why I've decided to look for a baby swimming class that Bee can participate in and luckily, i have found one very close to our place.

So when Bee turned two months old (which is supposedly the youngest age a baby can start with the swimming lessons) Honey and I took her to her first class. She was the tiniest and youngest of the class. She couldn't stop looking at the water and the clown fountains and everything that is around her... it was so adorable. I asked Honey to accompany Bee in the pool for her first lessons so that I can take pictures. And how cute is she in her swimwear?!?

It was a fun class, there was singing and splashing and jumping. She couldn't take her eyes off the water... It was so endearing when she got startled as Honey splashed water on her face and she begun to cry. But that was just at first, the next time she was ready for all the splashes.

The classes are twice a week and since Charlie is still very young, we don't really attend all the classes, but we so look forward to everytime we can attend the class...