Saturday, 22 January 2011

The big 3-0

I know a lot of people fuzz about turning another year older and even more people lament the very moment when they will reach this big 3-0. I’m getting a flash back of a Friends’ episode where all of them turned 30 and Joey screams “why god, why?” LOL! Anyway I digress. Well, I’m not one of those people, coz I’ve always believed that another year added to your age is always a reason to celebrate, even more so, it’s a reason to be grateful!

Turning 30 is a huge milestone. I am truly thankful that I’ve been blessed with 30 wonderful and glorious years. My appreciation for these past years comes with a tinge of trepidation though. I deem that the only way I can even give back to my creator for all his wonderful blessings is to live my life to the fullest, and reaching this point in my life gives me the perfect opportunity to face my fear, that is to evaluate whether or not I have lived my life the way I think I should.

Even before the term “bucket list” has been coined by a movie, I have already created my very own list, several of them actually, one list I call “100 things to do before I turn 35”, another I call “My life Plan”, still there are others but these two are the most prominent and the ones I really try to keep track of. I do like to plan a lot, I can say that although I am not very organized with my stuff (thank God for a husband/boy toy who is borderline OC and loves to organizes my stuff for me, LOL!), I like to organize my future. Every year, before I celebrate my birthday, I go through my list and my life plan, just to get a feel of where I currently am and where I want to be.

Looking at my list reminds me of my priorities in life. It gives me an overview of where I want to go and how I want to get there. I am glad that as I browse through my list, I was able to tick a couple of items in there. I was also able to add a few more things to the ever progressing manuscript. I cherish this moments when I leaf through the pages of my life plan, coz after realizing that I’m slowly getting there, I get a sense of calm deep within me.

As I celebrate a high point in my life, and after taking a moment to step back and look at the life that I have lived so far, my fears have abated because I know that although I am far from being able to say that I have lived my life to the fullest, I’m on my way there. As I look back, I also can’t help but be overwhelmed by gratitude for in the past 30 years of my life, I have received multitudes of blessings from my daddy God, blessings that I don’t deserve but were given to me just because he is him, my merciful Father. Then there is my honey, I can’t even imagine living my life without him for he is the kindest, most loving and ever supportive husband one could ever hope for. Of course, my little angel, the little one whose mere smile can turn my world upside down. Finally, my family and friends, who are always there no matter what.

It was indeed a glorious 30 years, I wouldn’t have lived my life any other way. Thank you daddy God for these years, and I’m looking forward to the next years to come!