Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Hunger Games

One of the luxuries I get to enjoy when I’m on a long holiday in the Philippines is that I get to binge on books. The bookworm in me was such a happy camper during our 5-week long holiday. I managed to dive through 7 novels in the span of our holiday…. Oh what a treat.

One of the books (or series of books) that I have read was the Hunger games. I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, although the concept of the plot was quite disturbing, the delicate way the author handled the storytelling was very effective and didn’t make the story too gory or morbid. In the beginning, the idea of a love story developing within a plot where everyone has to kill each other didn’t seem to make sense to me but I must admit, after reading the book, I bought it.

This is the reason why I was really excited to see the film when it was screened. When I saw the trailer, I wasn’t convinced that Jennifer Lawrence would make a good Katniss but after seeing the film, she more than gave justice to the role. While reading the book, I was also for team Peeta but when I saw the trailer, I was so tempted to shift to team Gale – he was such a hunk!

What I liked about the film:
 - I really loved how they portrayed the Capitol and the people, the capitol was more extravagant than what I imagined it would be but the people were as eccentric as I thought.

- The fire retardant costumes were amazing. I was having a hard time picturing this while reading the books and the film translated this really well. It was subtle yet spectacular.

- Katniss somehow managed to look very strong and yet vulnerable, she conveyed emotions very well and I really liked how her character was translated in film. I think Jennifer Lawrence did a great job.

- The hi-tech control centre of the arena. I wouldn’t have imagined this, it was so cool. - I liked how the movie didn’t have to be so gory and gruesome yet managed stay true to the essence of the book.

- Cinna was an amazing character in the movie. I didn’t pay much attention to him in the books but I really liked him in the movie.

What I didn’t like

- I felt that Katniss and Peeta didn’t have much chemistry. Even when they were kissing I didn’t feel anything between them.

- The way the Katniss and Peeta’s past was conveyed. I understood it because I read the books but I guess for someone who didn’t read the book, the wasn’t clear that Peeta threw the bread to the pigs to try and help Katniss, but then again that’s just me.

- The chirp of the mockingjay, I just imagined it differently perhaps.

Hunger games is very entertaining, I’m so looking forward to the next movie!