Tuesday 13 November 2007

My Intricate Thoughts

Every now and then, you would get hit by a strong urge to just scribble down thoughts that hit you out of nowhere. We are most often bombarded by ideas that encompass anything and everything, opinions, inspirations, theories or even beliefs that were triggered by the simplest of experiences. One would just have to give in and start jotting, or in this case - typing.

This space aims nothing more but to capture the humble and yet elaborate musings of a 20 something lady that just can’t help but indulge and share her passion for the written word.

I have chosen to name this space “Intricate Thoughts” as I believe that each entry that I’ll be able to post here will all start from an obscure idea that can and will only take shape once I have given in to that urge of transforming it to a more tangible form.

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