Wednesday 14 November 2007

When technological benefits end and its nuisance begin

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for technology. In fact, I even must say that technology helped me and my husband (then boyfriend) during those two years when we used to live in different countries while trying to make our relationship work. We would talk over the phone or chat the entire weekend and I think that was how we managed to stay together even if we were miles apart.

Throughout the years, man has developed amazing technological advancements from the simple mobile phones that helps families living in different parts of the world to remain in touch with each other to as crucial as giving you a clear vision even if you are inches away from getting blind or give you another heart to save you from a fatal condition. Technology has even made it possible to speak and actually see a person you’re speaking to even if you are oceans apart. The marvelous benefits of technology are undeniable and it has in fact elevated the quality and way of life. In spite of all these returns I can’t help but ask when do technological benefits turn into nuisance?

While lunching with some of my colleagues about three weeks ago, one of them started to complain about receiving emails from his boss through his mobile phone/communicator (which of course was provided by the company) every single Sunday. He said that it’s like his boss shortens his weekend by making him think of how to resolve whatever it was on his message come Monday morning. Then there was this other colleague who complained about an instance when he received several phone calls during his holidays asking him questions about office matters. On a more personal experience, I recently received several messages from different people through my Friendster account asking me if I wanted to buy different things (like lots, houses or any kind of property for that matter) and they kept on sending messages even if I declined. Talk about being resourceful and persistent huh. It just irritated me coz I seriously believe that they were using technology in a totally inappropriate manner.

It made me realize that what my colleague said could not be any more accurate, he said that with the type of technology we have today, it’s just next to impossible to become unreachable. I now realize that with all the gadgets at the tip of our fingers, it makes it all that difficult to get away from it all. But just now another question is creeping at the top of my head, is it really technological nuisance or is it just how people use (or in some cases abuse) technology?
In the end, I think that technology like money or power is a blessing from the Almighty. But it’s really up to us how to utilize it. It’s inevitable that not only a few people would misuse or even exploit the potentials that technology offers. As they say, technology is here to stay with all its rewards but unfortunately so are those people who don’t have the power to discern when use turns to abuse.

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