Sunday, 11 May 2008

Happy Mothers' Day to All

Mother's Day is one of my most awaited holidays in a year, I don't really care if some people might think that this is just one of those made up and commercialized holidays by Hallmark (same with Grand Parent's Day or Valentine's Day) to increase their sales. What makes it even more spectacular is that I am celebrating this very special day with my mom! How great is that.

Honestly, I want Mother's Day to be an every day event so just to make an excuse to do something special for my mom. That's how awesome she is. I feel that making her feel extra special (if its even possible to hike up the notch of her "specialness") in more days in a year is a very little way to repay my mom for all her sacrifices, hard work and love in rearing me into the person that I am today.

And if that's not enough reason to celebrate this day, I was even blessed with more mother's (my mom in law Mama Lita and my hubby's aunt Mommy Zennie. Who have taken me into their families and treated me as their own daughter. God has indeed been very good to me.

I dedicate this space to all Mom's who have raised, are raising and will be raising the future leaders, the next artists, or just the next fine person that anyone can meet. Kudos to all you moms who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of their children and for those mom's who have given nothing less but unconditional love. All of you have made this world a better place to live in.

And to my mom, Happy Mothers' Day, I love you and may we celebrate more special days together. I owe the person that i have become to you. Thanks for everything.

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