The past couple of weeks have been uncertain for honey and me, not the restless kind of uncertain but the type of uncertainty that nags here and there just because we didn’t know. I’ve missed my period, my last was end of January but I’ve tested a couple of weeks ago and it was negative. Honey and I were a bit disappointed but we thought, oh, well there is always the next time. I was a tad worried coz, I may have delays in my period before but not this long so I went to the doctor, I told him that I’ve missed my period for almost two months but tests turned negative and so he had some blood tests done on me. Before the weekend after consulting my doctor, I got a call from the him telling me that everything was fine with the blood test, all my hormones were ok. I was not so convinced about the results, I was thinking that it was so odd that they didn’t even recheck if I’m really pregnant or not so come Saturday (28th of March) morning, right out of bed, I decided to take another test, and what do you know?!!!

We were so thrilled that the other line finally turned blue, honey couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, and he immediately grabbed the phone and called Mama Lits. I still wasn’t convinced so I asked honey to buy me another pregnancy test and don’t tell anyone else yet until we have confirmed it. The second test turned positive again.
After having an ultrasound, we learned that we're six weeks pregnant! Oh, pure joy! I was filled with a mixture of so much excitement and happiness and a little bit of fear all at the same time. I've never felt like this before. I still can't believe it, we're finally having our little angel, our little baby Bee.
WOW!!!! this is it.. saw the precious gift at plurk and i knew this is really it!! :)
am soooo soo happy for you guyz, been there done that and the feeling is just overwhelming the memory of that will linger on!! i can still remember ours! :)
congrats!!! this is good for a start of your holiday but u have to be extra careful!
ingat ingat ha! :)
Thanks niko! super excited din talaga kami and we're already planning as early as now for his/her coming.
This is such a beautiful time for you and your husband. :) Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to help you in any way I can.
I'm so happy for you!!! *hugs*
Toni, thanks alot. I've already learned a lot from your pregnancy through your entries and plurks but i'll definitely ask you if i have questions. Thanks a lot!
hi kreez!!
hope u still remember me? just read your blogs from niko..
Congratulations!! A baby is truly God's blessing..
Be safe always!!
congratulations my dear kreezy!! if u have any questions about pregnancy, don't hesitate NOT to ask me. heheheh.. wala kong maisasagot. am so happy for u and ur hubby.
btw, andito knb sa pinas? heheh.. enjoy ur vacation and take extra care. =)
Ayie, musta na? thanks a lot god bless to you and your family.
ghie, thanks! yup dito na kami sa pinas we arrived this morning.
Congratulation. I am so happy for you. Muah!
I am confused with this post, it was posted a while ago but when I tried clickibg there was the message "it has been removed". I made a few attempts - but still the same. Just today, I got a chance to click on it and it was there. Weird?
Congrats! a new journey awaits!
I didn't this post was already published, where have I been? Heehee. You take care of yourself and your little angel. =)
congrats to both of you! ;-) enjoy growing your little angel!
thanks caryn!
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