Monday, 6 April 2009

100 Truths

It's been a down right busy day, with our monthend closing and all. At the last leg of my workday, i needed a pick-me upper so i am glad have another tag from Niko, to get my head away from work for a while. This are basic questions and i can't believe relaxing it is to just scribble down stuff.

001. Name → Christian
002. Nickname(s)→ Kreez.
004. Zodiac sign → Aquarius.
005. Male or female → Female.
006. Elementary → PES2
008. High School → Pasig Catholic College
009. College School → Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
010. Hair color → Dark Brown.
011. Long or short → Long.
012. Loud or Quiet → Depends, when I’m with friends I’m talkative but I don’t know you my lips are sealed
013. Jumpers or Jeans → Jeans.
014. Phone or Camera → Phone.
015. Health freak → No.
016. Drink or Smoke? → neither.
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes. Keannu.
018. Eat or Drink → Eat.
019. Piercings → Ears.
020. Tattoos → Nope

023. First piercing → I have no idea!
024. First best friend → dulce – I was in kindergarten.
025. First award → 3rd honors - kindergarten.
026. First crush → Devon Sawa of Casper
027. First pet → a dog
028. First big vacation → Ilocos Summer 1995
030. First big birthday → Every year my mom makes a big deal of my birthday

049. Eating → nothing
050. Drinking → Water.
052. I'm about to → call it a day
053. Listening to → the printer.
054. Plans for today → cook seafood pasta for dinner
055. Waiting for → honey to send an email

058. Want kids? → definitely
059. Want to get married? → I did, and I want to do it again
060. Careers in mind → be an entrepreneur, build our own business

068. Lips or eyes → eyes
070. Shorter or taller - Taller.
072. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic.
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice arms.
074. Sensitive or loud→ Sensitive.
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → Neither.

080. Lost glasses/contacts → I did, I had LASIK surgery so I don’t need it anymore
081. Ran away from home → Never did
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → haha violence, but no.
083. Killed somebody → more violence! nope
084. Broke someone's heart → I’d like to think I haven’t
085. Been arrested → nope
087. Cried when someone died → Yes, of course

089. Yourself → Yes.
090. Miracles → A definite yes
091. Love at first sight → Not really
092. Heaven → Yes.
093. Santa Claus → No.
094. Tooth Fairy → No.
095. Kiss on the first date → No.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Yes - My honey
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → Yes.
099. Do you believe in God → Yes.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people→

It's real nice to share and fun to answer this stuff, although some items are a bit weird. If you're looking for something to pass time, i suggest you grab this tag and answer away. Don't forget to link back here.


witsandnuts said...

Small world. We went to the same school. No, not PCC (but I've been there as an Auditor). I also had a huge crush on Devon during Casper days. How's LASIK? My grade is still manageable, I wear working eyeglasses but never use contact lenses.

niko said...

OMG!! i sooo love devon sawa too!! but that was then.. LOL.

i was into jack bauer of 24 before, naku kahit mkta ko lng sa tv super wide ng smile ko, love ko pa rin sya pero mas kinikilig ako ngayon kay edward sa twilight.. yaaaay

i dnt know, might be his charm when he is with bella. :D

thanks for answering dear! mwah

Kreez said...

really wits, you audited PCC haha small world talaga.... super cute ni devon but after that he didn't have any more movies that i know of.

niko, i had fun answering this thanks for the tag, super cute ni devon noh haha.