Tuesday, 18 May 2010

My Bee @ Keukenhof

I’m loving the Month of May, we have four holidays this month and then that is it, the next public holiday that we’re waiting for will be Easter next year. This year is not at all great when it comes to holidays. Last week, honey and I only worked for three days, Thursday was a holiday and Friday, we took the day off. Thursday was devoted for shopping stuff for Bee, specially the things that we’ll need now that she is about to eat solids and Friday, well Friday became a pleasant surprise.

Initially, honey and I were planning to go to Den Hague to get Bee’s passport, which finally arrived after one and half months of application. However, came Thursday evening, we received a call from a friend giving us free tickets to Keukenhof, who were we to say no. We had to go on Friday though coz the garden is only open till Sunday and our schedule is really full for the weekend. We hit two birds with one stone, we went to the embassy very early and had a quick lunch then went to Keukenhof in the afternoon. The weather was glorious and the garden, as I remember it, spectacular.

This is the second time to visit Keukenhof and Bee’s first. The garden never fails to impress. I wasn’t expecting that the garden would still be that stunning now that its almost the end of spring, normally the flowers would have already withered by now, that is why they were already scheduled to close that coming Sunday.

The array of flowers in display was just amazing. The colours were so vibrant, the smell was heavenly and the afternoon we spent there was simply divine.

I'll let the pictures speak of how beautiful the garden is

Our Little Family in the Orchidarium

I just love those Colors

I would really like to have this plant at home

Look at how happy our little one is

Tulips, Tulips and more Tulips

My Honey and my Bee

Loving the smile

this is so unique

Looking forward to the next visit

1 comment:

emarene said...

lumalaki na baby ninyo, and so cute!
the garden is beautiful too.