Friday, 27 January 2012

Thoughts on turning a year over 30

I know it’s a couple of days late and the ship has sailed but hey I’m 31 for the rest of the year aren’t I, so might as well. When I was a kid I used to think of 30 as old! I couldn’t even begin thinking how ancient 31 would be. Back then, in my young mind, the thought of turning 31 is synonymous to the Mayan Prophecy, the end of life as I know it :D. How melodramatic right!

As melodramatic as I was as a child, looking back, I think my young self was absolutely right. As I look at my life, I think the moment I turned 30 and now 31, my life has changed so drastically and life as I have known it completely changed. The good thing though is that when I was I child, the fear of the unknown scared me that is why I thought, when I turned 31, the changes would be scary, horrific even! But now that I’m actually here, I realized that the metamorphosis that my life underwent is indeed hair-raising kind of scary but these changes are also profoundly amazing!

Don’t get me wrong, my teen years were good, my twenties, even better! Through these years, I have learned a lot, experienced life, learned how to love and be loved, made tough decisions that shaped my life as it is now, earned friends whom I will keep to my death bed, married my prince and has been bestowed with a baby who is part angel and part princess. During the past three decades, I have travelled, I have explored, I have lived my life. So indeed the past three decades have been a blast. But as great as the past years were and as blessed as I have become, I know my God is not yet done with me and he has so much more in store. Now, as I turn a year over 30, I know that much more exciting things are waiting for me, more wonderful places be explored, more brilliant decisions to be made, and more astonishing blessings to be received. As I start another chapter in life, I know and I am looking forward to living my life, this time not only for myself but also for the family that my honey and I are building. I am so eager to reap the rewards of the past and invest for our future.

There is only one word I could think of as I turn another leaf in my life… Thrilled! I’m so thrilled to journey 31.

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