Friday, 10 February 2012

I’m Falling….

You read it on magazines, you hear from friends stories, you even watch it on movies and TV series, yep, from all sorts of media, you learn of love stories gone boring, bearable, tedious, and dull. Some couples slip through to a stage where they find there relationship flat-lining into a monotonous routine that they settle for being comfortable and completely forget the sparkle that they used to have. They have long lost the butterflies fluttering in their stomachs each time they are in each other’s company.

After 5 years of wedded bliss and 10 years of being together, I’m so grateful that I can say that after all this years, my honey never fails to make me fall head-over-heels in love with him every single day. I believe that is the secret of our relationship and how we break tedium. It doesn’t happen without effort but we just love doing stuff for each other that’s why it doesn’t seem like any effort at all.

I’m also blessed with a husband who is such a hopeless romantic, but also as important as the grand gestures, he is also the type of guy whose small actions tend to make you feel really loved and cared for and pleasantly surprised.

I never really paid attention to it but this morning, I can’t help but smile as I open my bag and found my wallet inside. You see, last night, I took my wallet out of my bag and took it upstairs to the office desk and completely forgot it there. This morning, while on my way to work, I remembered and I panicked that I forgot my wallet. But, as I open my bag, my wallet magically appeared inside. That is just how my honey is, he always takes care of me and makes sure that I’m ok.

The other day, while I was on my way home, he called me up and said, “hey honey, do you want to go to the city centre?” so I asked, “why do you want to go there together with Bee to meet up?” to which he replied “no, I was thinking you can have a ‘me’ time and I’ll take care of Bee.” Isn’t he just the sweetest thing????

I cannot be grateful enough to have a hubby such as my honey. He never fails to surprise me, to support me and to make me feel secure. More than that, through the big and small actions, he never fails to make me feel loved! Thank God for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bat wala ka pang bagong update...

Boy PickUp