Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Charlie's Antics

Glitters Glitterized by

We went to Bratislava, Slovakia last Friday for a short trip and to attend the CFC European Conference. After the conference, we visited some malls (of course that will never be out of any trip we have) and I was so giddy to find an early learning centre store there within a mothercare outlet.   I have always liked their products so I grabbed a couple of toys that I felt little Charlie would enjoy. One of the things I got for her was a set of math cards with animals on them. Different kinds of animals were used to illustrate math equations. It was a bit advanced for her age (she's only 2) so I just opted to ask her how many animals were in each of the cards. Our play time turned out to be one of my little one's funniest comeback hahahaha....

Here is how it went:
Mommy (showing Charlie a board with 2 dogs): how many dogs are there?

Charlie: twee (two)

Mommy (showing a card with one cat): how many cats are there?

Charlie: een (one)

Mommy (showing a card with 10 cows): how many cows are there?

Charlie: DAMI! (Many!)

Toink she is right that is indeed a lot of cows hahaha, my little one is so funny!

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