Saturday, 14 July 2012

Cohen Journey: Off to Brussels

After 5 weeks of being on Cohen, I have gotten used to everything, I have created my own patters, have gotten the jive and is now able to go about my way normally.  I have built my comfort zone through the routines that I have established and familiarity of my environment.  However, going on a trip is completely off and out of my comfort zone…. Light years away.

This weekend will be another ultimate test to my discipline and dedication to the lifestyle that I have chosen.  We’re going off to Brussels for the weekend.  Going to Brussels, a land known for its luscious chocolate and indulgent pastries, and not giving in to temptation, specially for someone like me who’s Achilles’ Heel are the sweet palatable pleasures, would be an ordeal, to say the least.  However, from what I have learned in this past couple of weeks, the best defence is offense :D.  I have realized that the key to success is planning and being prepared.

So last night, I have prepared all my meals for the entire trip and snacks, drinks and all.  I have labelled all of them accordingly and have brought all the condiments that I will need.  This way, I wouldn’t be tempted to eat anything else coz I have everything ready and handy.

I’m positive that this weekend will be a fun and deviation free one for me.  I only need to plan on how to prepare my meals for the next week because I normally do that on Saturdays, perhaps this time I’ll do it on Sunday evening.

Here’s to sticking to Cohen!

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