After getting married and moving here in the Netherlands, my husband and I have shared a mutual account where all or our income are deposited and all of our expenses are disbursed. This works for both of us really, we only have a separate account for our savings but this account is also mutual.
Recently, I wasn’t really sure how our “chika” shifted to bank accounts, but this colleague of mine was so surprised to learn that my husband and I actually have a mutual account. He even commented “so he trusts you huh”. The hell… of course he does! This discussion made me think of marriages and funds. As far as I could remember, I have always believed that when a couple marries, they are no longer two individuals but one. I also know that a lot of people believe this same ideology. If that is the case, does that mean that a lot of people believe that when a couple marries, they become one but their bank accounts remain separate and distinct from each other? And if that is so, when we marry, is there a silent rule that tells us which areas in our married life should be lived as one and which matters should remain separate? Another question that bugs me in this scenario is how you share your expenses if you don’t have a mutual account? Would you start accounting for the expenses in the house and split it between you?
While I was blog hopping the other night, another article relating to this same topic piqued my attention. The writer mentioned in her blog that a couple who keeps tab of their individual income is actually a sign of maturity. I was appalled, does this mean that Junfer and I are immature when it comes to handling our finances?
Ironic as it is being a CPA and all but I hate discussions about keeping tab of income and expenses. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for budgeting our money and saving for future needs but to actually discuss who should pay for this or that, I believe, is just so irrelevant as far as being a couple is concerned because at the end of the day, whatever is mine is my husbands as well and whatever is his is mine (although, I always tease him and tell him that what is his is mine and what is mine is mine alone… hehe). On some level, I agree with the blogger’s point when she said that keeping tab of individual income actually saves them a lot of discussions (and sometimes heated arguments), especially in that way, they can each spend on things that the other thinks is impractical. However, at the top of my head I just can’t help but feel that having separate accounts to spend on things that you like is just circumventing an argument by not disclosing a fact altogether (which in this case is the purchase however significant or insignificant it might be). It’s like saying that what one doesn’t know can’t hurt him. But, is that the right way to go? Junfer and I also have our share of differences of opinion in that respect. Some of the things that Junfer likes to splurge on are the very same things that I feel we should scrimp on, if not completely do away with (this scenario is almost never reciprocated with me since Junfer is almost always tolerant of me and the things that I like to splurge on – is it a woman’s thing – I don’t know). But each time we are met with this situation, we always find a way of compromising. If that’s not a sign of maturity, I don’t know what is.
In the end, the question on whether to have a mutual or separate account can only be answered by the couple themselves. What may work for one might not be effective for another. I think the important thing is that whatever choice a couple makes, it was made consensually.
This space will serve as the seat of all my most intricate thoughts as I try to transform them into written words.
Monday, 3 December 2007
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Ahh, Its That time of the year!
At the corner of the warm and cozy sitting area stands a big sturdy tree decorated with colorful Christmas balls, sparkling tinsels, extravagant lights and covered with white artificial snow with gifts of all shapes and sizes resting beneath it. I stare out the window with a warm cup of coco in my hand savoring the wonderful sight of the moonlight reflecting on the snow covered pavement. I can hear the sound of laughing children running about in a cold winter night as they knock from one door to the next offering an angelic Christmas carol in exchange for sweet treats. Finally, when the group of kids buzzed on our door, Honey comes running with his jars and jars of chocolates and candies and would request the little pink cheeked darlings for at least three songs while showering them with his endless stocks of sugary treats – as he always does with kids. Then we hear the huge bells of the nearby church echoing through the dark streets, signaling that Christmas has come. We would at last settle at the dinner table laid with a feast that I know would have left overs to last for a couple of days and yet I just feel that to omit any part of the banquet would be a total disgrace so let there be left overs.
This is how I vividly picture me and my honey’s first Christmas here in our new home. Of course I’m not sure if there will be kids that will sing the Christmas carols in exchange for treats since I didn’t see them last year, although I’ve been told that in our area several kids would be accompanied by there parents as they offer there songs. And of course I’m not certain whether or not we’ll get to have the pavements covered with snow this year. But it sure mounts up all my anticipation for Christmas just by having this picture in my thoughts.
This is how I vividly picture me and my honey’s first Christmas here in our new home. Of course I’m not sure if there will be kids that will sing the Christmas carols in exchange for treats since I didn’t see them last year, although I’ve been told that in our area several kids would be accompanied by there parents as they offer there songs. And of course I’m not certain whether or not we’ll get to have the pavements covered with snow this year. But it sure mounts up all my anticipation for Christmas just by having this picture in my thoughts.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
When technological benefits end and its nuisance begin
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for technology. In fact, I even must say that technology helped me and my husband (then boyfriend) during those two years when we used to live in different countries while trying to make our relationship work. We would talk over the phone or chat the entire weekend and I think that was how we managed to stay together even if we were miles apart.
Throughout the years, man has developed amazing technological advancements from the simple mobile phones that helps families living in different parts of the world to remain in touch with each other to as crucial as giving you a clear vision even if you are inches away from getting blind or give you another heart to save you from a fatal condition. Technology has even made it possible to speak and actually see a person you’re speaking to even if you are oceans apart. The marvelous benefits of technology are undeniable and it has in fact elevated the quality and way of life. In spite of all these returns I can’t help but ask when do technological benefits turn into nuisance?
While lunching with some of my colleagues about three weeks ago, one of them started to complain about receiving emails from his boss through his mobile phone/communicator (which of course was provided by the company) every single Sunday. He said that it’s like his boss shortens his weekend by making him think of how to resolve whatever it was on his message come Monday morning. Then there was this other colleague who complained about an instance when he received several phone calls during his holidays asking him questions about office matters. On a more personal experience, I recently received several messages from different people through my Friendster account asking me if I wanted to buy different things (like lots, houses or any kind of property for that matter) and they kept on sending messages even if I declined. Talk about being resourceful and persistent huh. It just irritated me coz I seriously believe that they were using technology in a totally inappropriate manner.
It made me realize that what my colleague said could not be any more accurate, he said that with the type of technology we have today, it’s just next to impossible to become unreachable. I now realize that with all the gadgets at the tip of our fingers, it makes it all that difficult to get away from it all. But just now another question is creeping at the top of my head, is it really technological nuisance or is it just how people use (or in some cases abuse) technology?
In the end, I think that technology like money or power is a blessing from the Almighty. But it’s really up to us how to utilize it. It’s inevitable that not only a few people would misuse or even exploit the potentials that technology offers. As they say, technology is here to stay with all its rewards but unfortunately so are those people who don’t have the power to discern when use turns to abuse.
Throughout the years, man has developed amazing technological advancements from the simple mobile phones that helps families living in different parts of the world to remain in touch with each other to as crucial as giving you a clear vision even if you are inches away from getting blind or give you another heart to save you from a fatal condition. Technology has even made it possible to speak and actually see a person you’re speaking to even if you are oceans apart. The marvelous benefits of technology are undeniable and it has in fact elevated the quality and way of life. In spite of all these returns I can’t help but ask when do technological benefits turn into nuisance?
While lunching with some of my colleagues about three weeks ago, one of them started to complain about receiving emails from his boss through his mobile phone/communicator (which of course was provided by the company) every single Sunday. He said that it’s like his boss shortens his weekend by making him think of how to resolve whatever it was on his message come Monday morning. Then there was this other colleague who complained about an instance when he received several phone calls during his holidays asking him questions about office matters. On a more personal experience, I recently received several messages from different people through my Friendster account asking me if I wanted to buy different things (like lots, houses or any kind of property for that matter) and they kept on sending messages even if I declined. Talk about being resourceful and persistent huh. It just irritated me coz I seriously believe that they were using technology in a totally inappropriate manner.
It made me realize that what my colleague said could not be any more accurate, he said that with the type of technology we have today, it’s just next to impossible to become unreachable. I now realize that with all the gadgets at the tip of our fingers, it makes it all that difficult to get away from it all. But just now another question is creeping at the top of my head, is it really technological nuisance or is it just how people use (or in some cases abuse) technology?
In the end, I think that technology like money or power is a blessing from the Almighty. But it’s really up to us how to utilize it. It’s inevitable that not only a few people would misuse or even exploit the potentials that technology offers. As they say, technology is here to stay with all its rewards but unfortunately so are those people who don’t have the power to discern when use turns to abuse.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
100 things to do before 35
When I was still working for PwC (then Joaquin Cunanan and Co.), I remember having a chat with my scrabble buddy (he was my seatmate most of the times and during slack periods we would play scrabble that is why he became my scrabble buddy) and he mentioned having a list of things that he wants to do before he reaches the age of 35. I thought it was a good idea so I made my own list, and that was about 3 years ago. I never really thought of a hundred things I got to around 50 on the first sitting and every now and then I update the list.
I lost my list when we move here in the Netherlands my flashdisk sort of went crazy and would not open now so I tried to recreate my list. Just then, I realized that there are too many simple things that I could do before that age that will make my life well lived. Very simple things like finish reading the Harry Potter books, the Da Vince Code, the Angels and Demons or watch all the Star Wars movies. I vividly remember having added them in my list 3 years ago and I felt a surge of accomplishment having ticked them off my list (well I have'nt finished reading all harry potter books i have yet to start the recent one released Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and there is 1 more to be released if my information is correct). There were also huge things that I was able to tick off my list like getting married to Junfer and going to Europe to mention a few, things that I know has changed my life tremendously.
The point is having a list of things, however big or small it may be, guided me on the path that I really want to take as I reach a tender age. It reminded me of things that i wanted to do, the places that I wanted to go to, people that I wanted to meet, things that I wanted to become. It gives me a picture of what I would want to happen in my life and creates a goal for me to achieve.
Until now i still have'nt listed a hundred things to do but I'm getting there and going through my list gives me a surge of excitement knowing that I have a lot of wonderful things to do that would spice up my life.
I lost my list when we move here in the Netherlands my flashdisk sort of went crazy and would not open now so I tried to recreate my list. Just then, I realized that there are too many simple things that I could do before that age that will make my life well lived. Very simple things like finish reading the Harry Potter books, the Da Vince Code, the Angels and Demons or watch all the Star Wars movies. I vividly remember having added them in my list 3 years ago and I felt a surge of accomplishment having ticked them off my list (well I have'nt finished reading all harry potter books i have yet to start the recent one released Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and there is 1 more to be released if my information is correct). There were also huge things that I was able to tick off my list like getting married to Junfer and going to Europe to mention a few, things that I know has changed my life tremendously.
The point is having a list of things, however big or small it may be, guided me on the path that I really want to take as I reach a tender age. It reminded me of things that i wanted to do, the places that I wanted to go to, people that I wanted to meet, things that I wanted to become. It gives me a picture of what I would want to happen in my life and creates a goal for me to achieve.
Until now i still have'nt listed a hundred things to do but I'm getting there and going through my list gives me a surge of excitement knowing that I have a lot of wonderful things to do that would spice up my life.
Crazy little thing called love
While I was trying to pass time last night and would not be contented of merely watching TV, I’ve decided to surf the internet when I remembered that a very good friend of mine, my sistah Ira and her fiancĂ© Gerald have a web log for their upcoming wedding and it’s been awhile since I’ve last visited the site. So there I was browsing through the entries which were all clearly written with so much enthusiasm, excitement and joy that can only be fueled by true love. I couldn’t help but be teary eyed as I realized that our Buttercup (from the powerpuff girls – long story way back from our college days) will soon become Mrs. Ricca Ira Carsula.
I can’t say that I know the groom to be all too well, all I know is that he was a member of the political party (Bukluran) that was and up to this date remains to be the arch enemy of our very own socio-political group (Tugon) to which the bride to be was (and still is) an active member. That is why it really came to me as a surprise when I’ve learned a couple of years back that they were together. Their love story would no doubt be the Romeo and Juliet of PLM.
Through these years, in spite of living in different countries (more so, different continents) Ira and I kept in contact through chats and emails through which I know that their love story has surpassed so many trials and challenges that strengthened there love for each other. I know that many have doubted their relationship, more than a few people thought that it’s not going to last but finally it looks like they have made it to the finish line – or should I say to the start of their lives together.
I just wanted to dedicate this space to a very dear friend, Ira. I couldn’t name anyone more prepared to embark on this journey called marriage than you and Gerald. I could not be any happier for both of you otherwise I’ll burst. I know that both of you will make it with the help of the love, prayer and support of all those people who care for you.
I can’t say that I know the groom to be all too well, all I know is that he was a member of the political party (Bukluran) that was and up to this date remains to be the arch enemy of our very own socio-political group (Tugon) to which the bride to be was (and still is) an active member. That is why it really came to me as a surprise when I’ve learned a couple of years back that they were together. Their love story would no doubt be the Romeo and Juliet of PLM.
Through these years, in spite of living in different countries (more so, different continents) Ira and I kept in contact through chats and emails through which I know that their love story has surpassed so many trials and challenges that strengthened there love for each other. I know that many have doubted their relationship, more than a few people thought that it’s not going to last but finally it looks like they have made it to the finish line – or should I say to the start of their lives together.
I just wanted to dedicate this space to a very dear friend, Ira. I couldn’t name anyone more prepared to embark on this journey called marriage than you and Gerald. I could not be any happier for both of you otherwise I’ll burst. I know that both of you will make it with the help of the love, prayer and support of all those people who care for you.
28 and Counting
Only after having opened my eyes this morning have I realized how exhausting this past weekend has been. But strangely as it sounds, I woke up with a huge smile on my face albeit every sore muscle in my body. Well it all started with my yearning to make Junfer’s birthday a memorable one – well no extra reason required apart from the fact that I want to celebrate another year of his life that we’ve spent together. I was determined that now more than ever is a great time to invite some new found friends over to our new place and celebrate a year that was and look forward to another year that will be. As always Junfer did’nt want me to go through all the drama of preparation that’s why he objected at first but of course as persuasive as I can be (and as lenient as Junfer is with me at all times), I’ve convinced him otherwise – love you honey!
Dinner was set on Saturday at 6pm (I did’nt want it to end super late so there it was an early dinner). I slaved the entire day in the kitchen – chopping onions here, dicing bell peppers there, mixing sauces, straining broth – name it, I did it. I think I have performed all imaginable maneuvers inside the kitchen that entire day! While preparing for supper, I am convinced that I really am a typical Filipino, every time we play host (or hostess for that matter), we simply could’nt resist the urge to splurge on the menu. By 5pm, I was getting a little panicky coz I was still in the middle of my nth course for the night. Luckily enough, I pulled through without a hitch. If my memory serves me right, I have put together 7 main courses and 2 desserts all for 10 people (8 guests, Junfer and myself). Told you, I just could’nt help it!
It was a pleasurable dinner – very filling (who would’nt be filled with that amount of food) and as one of our guests commented “very cozy”. I really do hope I gave justice to the entrees since we had guests from different countries. It would be nice if they had a good impression of what Filipino cuisine is. It was really very funny coz both Junfer and I are not wine drinkers (actually we rarely drink alcohol) thus no cork screw can be found in our kitchen – this by the way is considered here in Amsterdam as strange similar to a house without say a can opener (sorry if my creativity has abandoned me at this very moment and could’nt dream of a better comparison). We bought a red and white, and when it was time to serve them, that was the only time we realized that there was no cork screw handy. Lucky enough for us we live a minute away from the supermarket. So after a hearty main course come dessert, while serving the traditional turon (well a very small version of turon) coupled with vanilla ice cream, one of our guests was half laughing while he commented, “you don’t have a cork screw but you have an ice cream scooper”. Well of course we do – that’s what you call knowing your priorities J
For the next few hours, our place was filled with chattering guests, laughing friends and that nice warm feeling you sense in a place where everyone is enjoying themselves. What a vision it was.
At the end of the night, there is nothing more rewarding than a peck on the cheek from my honey thanking me for the dinner which he immensely enjoyed. It made everything worthwhile. This is the very same reason why I still have that smile on my face this morning when I woke up.
Dinner was set on Saturday at 6pm (I did’nt want it to end super late so there it was an early dinner). I slaved the entire day in the kitchen – chopping onions here, dicing bell peppers there, mixing sauces, straining broth – name it, I did it. I think I have performed all imaginable maneuvers inside the kitchen that entire day! While preparing for supper, I am convinced that I really am a typical Filipino, every time we play host (or hostess for that matter), we simply could’nt resist the urge to splurge on the menu. By 5pm, I was getting a little panicky coz I was still in the middle of my nth course for the night. Luckily enough, I pulled through without a hitch. If my memory serves me right, I have put together 7 main courses and 2 desserts all for 10 people (8 guests, Junfer and myself). Told you, I just could’nt help it!
It was a pleasurable dinner – very filling (who would’nt be filled with that amount of food) and as one of our guests commented “very cozy”. I really do hope I gave justice to the entrees since we had guests from different countries. It would be nice if they had a good impression of what Filipino cuisine is. It was really very funny coz both Junfer and I are not wine drinkers (actually we rarely drink alcohol) thus no cork screw can be found in our kitchen – this by the way is considered here in Amsterdam as strange similar to a house without say a can opener (sorry if my creativity has abandoned me at this very moment and could’nt dream of a better comparison). We bought a red and white, and when it was time to serve them, that was the only time we realized that there was no cork screw handy. Lucky enough for us we live a minute away from the supermarket. So after a hearty main course come dessert, while serving the traditional turon (well a very small version of turon) coupled with vanilla ice cream, one of our guests was half laughing while he commented, “you don’t have a cork screw but you have an ice cream scooper”. Well of course we do – that’s what you call knowing your priorities J
For the next few hours, our place was filled with chattering guests, laughing friends and that nice warm feeling you sense in a place where everyone is enjoying themselves. What a vision it was.
At the end of the night, there is nothing more rewarding than a peck on the cheek from my honey thanking me for the dinner which he immensely enjoyed. It made everything worthwhile. This is the very same reason why I still have that smile on my face this morning when I woke up.
Let’s talk Bread (or Cake)!
After having moved to our very own new home which is equipped with a fancy stove and oven (in my standards fancy is anything big, shinny and nice to look at haha) built in the kitchen, I have developed a new passion – baking. It all started with the thought of making use of something that was already there and the thought of not wasting a good home appliance. So there I was, having no experience at all of even lighting up an oven let alone setting up the right temperature to bake anything, I found myself vigorously searching the net for recipes which (I think) are simple enough for me to follow. Lucky enough for me, a good friend of mine decided to start a food blog and the recipes that he had in his blog were easy enough for me to do (or otherwise I sometimes abuse our friendship and ask him to explain further the process which are too complicated for my inexperienced baking skills or request him to post a recipe of something that I really want to try).
I remember all too well the very first time I tried to bake I tried to make some cinnamon rolls (taken from Allan’s foodblog I have followed each and every instruction from the recipe but I was not satisfied with the outcome. We were able to eat the rolls but they were tougher than how I wanted them to be. Then after asking my friend what went wrong, I realized that I made a mistake in choosing the correct ingredients (it does’nt help that I need to translate the ingredients to Dutch or otherwise find the Dutch counterpart of the said ingredient). From then on, I have researched a little bit more and practiced a bit more and finally I got the cinnamon rolls that I want. Then my ever supportive honey bought me baking tools (tools that I don’t even know how to use or have never even seen before) and so I just had to learn how to use them and find recipes where I would require them. And as they say, all else is a history, I found myself a new passion – something that frees my mind from it all.
I realized that baking is a subtle art that is very addictive – it’s like crack if you’re a junkie (what a comparison!). The thing about baking is that it gives you an elated feeling after having labored your way through a recipe and accomplishing the right (or in this case - yummy) result. I just found myself looking for recipes to bake every single week since I’ve tried to bake. In fact, sometimes, I even manage to whip up a goodie after I come home from the office (I’m even planning to make my very own Spanish bread - which Junfer has been bugging me to make for quite some time now- after I post this J). It always fascinates me how a powdery thingy (flour) – after adding a couple of other ingredients – could become a nice looking piece of bread or cake. And another thing that I love about baking is that I get to make those things that I only buy from bakeshops before from the humble pandesal to the extravagant chocolate cake. Above all, the nicest perk of knowing how to bake is that I can create all those treats that I used to love when I was still living in Manila that are not available here. Of course it always helps that you have a hubby who tells you that the things you made are perfect and very palatable (although I know a lot of them – especially during my first few tries – were nowhere near perfection to say the least).
I am really looking forward to my next big baking challenge, I told Junfer that I will not buy a cake for his upcoming birthday instead I will try to make his favorite chocolate cake for him. I’m really tempted to cheat and buy an extra chocolate cake and put it on the fridge just in case but then again I think not otherwise it will not be as challenging as it’s supposed to be.
I remember all too well the very first time I tried to bake I tried to make some cinnamon rolls (taken from Allan’s foodblog I have followed each and every instruction from the recipe but I was not satisfied with the outcome. We were able to eat the rolls but they were tougher than how I wanted them to be. Then after asking my friend what went wrong, I realized that I made a mistake in choosing the correct ingredients (it does’nt help that I need to translate the ingredients to Dutch or otherwise find the Dutch counterpart of the said ingredient). From then on, I have researched a little bit more and practiced a bit more and finally I got the cinnamon rolls that I want. Then my ever supportive honey bought me baking tools (tools that I don’t even know how to use or have never even seen before) and so I just had to learn how to use them and find recipes where I would require them. And as they say, all else is a history, I found myself a new passion – something that frees my mind from it all.
I realized that baking is a subtle art that is very addictive – it’s like crack if you’re a junkie (what a comparison!). The thing about baking is that it gives you an elated feeling after having labored your way through a recipe and accomplishing the right (or in this case - yummy) result. I just found myself looking for recipes to bake every single week since I’ve tried to bake. In fact, sometimes, I even manage to whip up a goodie after I come home from the office (I’m even planning to make my very own Spanish bread - which Junfer has been bugging me to make for quite some time now- after I post this J). It always fascinates me how a powdery thingy (flour) – after adding a couple of other ingredients – could become a nice looking piece of bread or cake. And another thing that I love about baking is that I get to make those things that I only buy from bakeshops before from the humble pandesal to the extravagant chocolate cake. Above all, the nicest perk of knowing how to bake is that I can create all those treats that I used to love when I was still living in Manila that are not available here. Of course it always helps that you have a hubby who tells you that the things you made are perfect and very palatable (although I know a lot of them – especially during my first few tries – were nowhere near perfection to say the least).
I am really looking forward to my next big baking challenge, I told Junfer that I will not buy a cake for his upcoming birthday instead I will try to make his favorite chocolate cake for him. I’m really tempted to cheat and buy an extra chocolate cake and put it on the fridge just in case but then again I think not otherwise it will not be as challenging as it’s supposed to be.
The Land of Paella and Sangria
One of the perks in living in Europe is that you get to travel in any schengen country without the hassle of applying for a visa. This widened our options in choosing for a place to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary. We wanted to go to a place where the weather is comfortably warm, where there will be a new culture to observe, a place that offers both scenic backdrop and colorful ethos all in one package. That is when we’ve decided to go to Barcelona.
I have to say, I love love love Barcelona, the weather was perfect at 25 degrees, the architecture was fascinating and the food was to die for. Upon arriving at the hotel late afternoon, we just dumped our bags on the closet and went straight right out. We immediately grabbed a map and inquired on how to get to Placa Catalunya – the center of Barcelona. After a 10 minute bus ride, we found ourselves at the center of a Les Rambles which was normally swarmed with people from different parts of the world from all walks of life. Les Rambles was filled with camera flashes from tourists clicking their hearts out to capture the spectacular display of souvenirs, flowers, exotic birds and above all street performers.
After allowing our eyes to feast on the tasteful display of a unique culture, we continued on to test for ourselves another aspect that Catalunya is famed for – their food. Having done a little bit of research before going to Barcelona, I have learned of this restaurant which is noted for their authentic Catalan dishes – the restaurant is called Les Quinze Nits.
We decided to head for Placa Reial where the resto is located, we soon found out that Placa Reial not only nests one of the best restaurants in Barcelona, it is also very rich in history and aesthetic value. Finally we have been seated at the popular restaurant, and having only eaten a slice of toasted bread for breakfast to last the entire day, we devoured a pot of Paella Tinta Negra,
a plate of Calamares and a slab of Grilled Pork in mushroom sauce. I can personally say that Catalan Cuisine is one of the best I’ve ever tasted. I think it’s their passion for food that makes their cuisine superb.
We devoted our next day to exploring the City, we went to Mt. Tribidabo which was absolutely breathtaking. We had to take a cable bus (it was bigger than a cable car and looked more like a bus thus I called it cable bus) going to the top of the mountain. We were greeted by a magnificent church upon reaching the mountain top and in front of the church was an amusement park! It was really lovely – we got a view of the entire city from there. The sight was really beyond words.
Our next stop was the infamous Sagrada Familia by Gaudi. This cathedral is one of the best woks, if not the best, of this genius architect. The intricate walls and the ambitious towers were all so exquisite. It was such a shame that Gaudi did’nt live to see the completion of his fine work. We went up to one of the towers through a lift (you have to pay €2 to have a lift take you at the top of the tower) from where the lift ends, we needed to climb a little bit more to be on the top most part of the tower. It was going down the tower that was tricky. We had 2 options, we can go down through the lift again or go down the stairs – of course we choose the stairs. It was during our trip down the tower that made me realize how this great work could literally take your breath away and leave your knees shaking. We had to go down through a spiral staircase from the top of the tower down to the bottom. The stairs were so damn narrow and when I peaked on the center, I could see how further down the bottom was.
I had to cling on to the steel bars at side of the stairs for my dear life. I was plainly out of breath and my knees were wobbling upon reaching the ground floor. 
The next day we visited more of Gaudi’s work like the Park Guell, the Gaudi Museum (which was formerly Gaudi’s home) and a couple of other works left by Gaudi which were all painstakingly beautiful.
On our last night before going for dinner, we just sat at the fountain in the center of Placa Reial taking in the rare splendor of this small plaza. Honey and I just sat there having a final look around while feeling that we have made the right choice of spending this special occasion in this exquisite paradise. It would be hard to leave Barcelona in the morning but this place has definitely added more magnitude to an already treasured occasion.
I have to say, I love love love Barcelona, the weather was perfect at 25 degrees, the architecture was fascinating and the food was to die for. Upon arriving at the hotel late afternoon, we just dumped our bags on the closet and went straight right out. We immediately grabbed a map and inquired on how to get to Placa Catalunya – the center of Barcelona. After a 10 minute bus ride, we found ourselves at the center of a Les Rambles which was normally swarmed with people from different parts of the world from all walks of life. Les Rambles was filled with camera flashes from tourists clicking their hearts out to capture the spectacular display of souvenirs, flowers, exotic birds and above all street performers.
After allowing our eyes to feast on the tasteful display of a unique culture, we continued on to test for ourselves another aspect that Catalunya is famed for – their food. Having done a little bit of research before going to Barcelona, I have learned of this restaurant which is noted for their authentic Catalan dishes – the restaurant is called Les Quinze Nits.
We devoted our next day to exploring the City, we went to Mt. Tribidabo which was absolutely breathtaking. We had to take a cable bus (it was bigger than a cable car and looked more like a bus thus I called it cable bus) going to the top of the mountain. We were greeted by a magnificent church upon reaching the mountain top and in front of the church was an amusement park! It was really lovely – we got a view of the entire city from there. The sight was really beyond words.
Our next stop was the infamous Sagrada Familia by Gaudi. This cathedral is one of the best woks, if not the best, of this genius architect. The intricate walls and the ambitious towers were all so exquisite. It was such a shame that Gaudi did’nt live to see the completion of his fine work. We went up to one of the towers through a lift (you have to pay €2 to have a lift take you at the top of the tower) from where the lift ends, we needed to climb a little bit more to be on the top most part of the tower. It was going down the tower that was tricky. We had 2 options, we can go down through the lift again or go down the stairs – of course we choose the stairs. It was during our trip down the tower that made me realize how this great work could literally take your breath away and leave your knees shaking. We had to go down through a spiral staircase from the top of the tower down to the bottom. The stairs were so damn narrow and when I peaked on the center, I could see how further down the bottom was.
The next day we visited more of Gaudi’s work like the Park Guell, the Gaudi Museum (which was formerly Gaudi’s home) and a couple of other works left by Gaudi which were all painstakingly beautiful.
On our last night before going for dinner, we just sat at the fountain in the center of Placa Reial taking in the rare splendor of this small plaza. Honey and I just sat there having a final look around while feeling that we have made the right choice of spending this special occasion in this exquisite paradise. It would be hard to leave Barcelona in the morning but this place has definitely added more magnitude to an already treasured occasion.
Wedding Bliss
Wedding Bliss
At dawn, I stirred from a deep sleep and stared at my honey beside me deep in slumber, I was suddenly hit with a realization. In a couple of days, we will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary. I could’nt believe it’s been almost a year since we got married coz up until now I have’nt shaken that wedding ceremony bliss out of my system (and I don’t think I ever will). I still feel that tingling sensation at the pit of my stomach each time I look at our wedding album and I still can’t help but be teary eyed each time I watch our video – and I must say I am very fond of flipping through our wedding album and watching our video.
Junfer asked me to marry him on the night of our 4th anniversary. I will never forget that night coz it was the beginning of my very own fairytale coming true. It was also somewhat endearing coz he proposed twice. The first time he proposed was on the night of our anniversary – giving me an engagement ring with my birth stone surrounded with small diamonds. I don’t know why but somehow I knew that he was going to propose that night and so he was quite disappointed that I was not that surprised. Then after a week and a half, Junfer, my sister and I just got to our place after an entire day of trying to find ideas for the wedding when all of a sudden, he went down on his knee and brought out another ring – it was a very beautiful diamond engagement ring. I was so surprised and overwhelmed that I could’nt answer, I just ran to my sister and showed her the ring. When I came back to junfer he was teasing me by asking – “wait your answer is yes right?!?” I just laughed and told him he did’nt even have to ask. I had to think that I must have been so good in my past lifetime to deserve someone like him.
I can vividly recollect a mixture of excitement, ecstasy, struggle and frustration of preparing a wedding from hundreds of miles from the venue. We have decided that we will have our wedding a year after Junfer proposed which will coincide with our 5th anniversary all the while thinking that a year is more than enough time to prepare and everything is ironed out even months before our big day.
I went back to the Philippines October of that same year to get a jump start on our wedding preparations. I was on a roll, before I left Manila, I already found the venue that I liked, booked the caterer that agreed to all my requirements, made arrangements with the couturier for the entourage’s attire, chose the church where the ceremony will be held and I even booked a singer for the evening. I really thought that by the end of the year I would have everything ready for a wedding to be held in September the following year. However, complications started around 3 months before the wedding. It started with the problems with the church, they want us to be back in Manila 4 weeks before the wedding to attend their 4-week couple’s seminar, which of course was not possible because I have to settle everything in the office before I left since after the wedding I’ll be going straight to the Netherlands and will not come back to Dubai. Well finally my family convinced the coordinator of the church that we will just attend a seminar offered in Dubai. Then there were issues with the entourage, who will be included, the gowns – the style, the barongs, which pair will wear what color. I realized that it was not easy to gather like 20 people to have them fitted for their gowns and barongs. My couturier was freaking out because it was less than 2 months and he has not fitted all the members of the entourage. Then there were members of my entourage who have chosen different styles of gowns (different from what I have chosen) while they were being fitted and so my couturier was already getting confused on what style he really was about to make for the entourage. I really flipped out at this point coz I already discussed the styles of gowns and which colors are to be made when I was in Manila. I was so frustrated that I found myself telling my couturier “this is my wedding, and they are my entourage so I am the only one entitled to decide which styles and colors I want – if they won’t agree with my choices I can replace them”. Later on I realized it was too harsh but the pressure was really getting on to me. I am less than two month’s away from my wedding and it seemed to me that everything was amiss and I can’t do anything coz I was miles away. The only consolation I had at that moment was that my bridal gown was looking fabulous.
Finally, I found myself in a plane going back to Manila 2 weeks before the wedding. The clock was ticking and I was faced with things like marriage licenses (which we’re supposedly late in acquiring), issues with additional flowers, sending out invitations, personally going to each principal sponsors, issues with decorating the church and church restrictions in general. One piece of advice to soon to be brides and grooms – make sure you check all the restrictions of a church before you make your final decision. We were two weeks away from the wedding day and I was really so frustrated with all the church restrictions of the parish that we have chosen for the ceremony coz they did not allow us to make elaborate flower arrangements, they restricted us with the choir, they do not allow personal wedding vows to be recited, there was just too much restrictions. We really wanted to find another church – it was really a dilemma coz we can’t change churches for reasons like the invitations were already sent out and we don’t have enough time to post our wedding to the new church (which takes approx 2-4 weeks) and so we had to make the most of what we can do (and bend a little of the rules).
Our big day has finally come, guess what we still needed to deal with a lot of tight spots. Flowers arrived late, hair and make up artists that were supposed to fix my entourage were slower than anticipated causing half of my entourage to arrive late at the church, my gown was a couple of inches bigger than it was on my last fitting day that’s why it was falling off (guess I lost a couple of pounds coz of the stress) - I guess that is the price I had to pay for following superstitious beliefs of not fitting your gown before the ceremony. I was pretty amazed and surprised even that we were able to surpass all those last minute slip ups.
Everything was a haze, all of a sudden I was walking down the aisle and all the imperfections were suddenly perfect. I did’nt even care that I had a hard time walking coz my gown was too heavy and too long for comfort. All I know is that there he was, the man of my dreams waiting for me at the altar and I was walking towards the beginning of our lifetime together. The string quintet played a beautiful song that made my walk down the aisle even more perfect.
Preparing for our wedding was a roller coaster ride, with all its ups and downs. But like a roller coaster ride it will leave you with an exhilarated feeling. In our case that exhilarated feeling has not yet left me. And after the wedding I can say that it’s really not the small details that counts, it’s the thought that the wedding made us husband and wife that matters. Although it still never fails to make me smile when people who were at our wedding tells me that we had a beautiful wedding coz for me and my honey it was the perfect wedding of all.
At dawn, I stirred from a deep sleep and stared at my honey beside me deep in slumber, I was suddenly hit with a realization. In a couple of days, we will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary. I could’nt believe it’s been almost a year since we got married coz up until now I have’nt shaken that wedding ceremony bliss out of my system (and I don’t think I ever will). I still feel that tingling sensation at the pit of my stomach each time I look at our wedding album and I still can’t help but be teary eyed each time I watch our video – and I must say I am very fond of flipping through our wedding album and watching our video.
Junfer asked me to marry him on the night of our 4th anniversary. I will never forget that night coz it was the beginning of my very own fairytale coming true. It was also somewhat endearing coz he proposed twice. The first time he proposed was on the night of our anniversary – giving me an engagement ring with my birth stone surrounded with small diamonds. I don’t know why but somehow I knew that he was going to propose that night and so he was quite disappointed that I was not that surprised. Then after a week and a half, Junfer, my sister and I just got to our place after an entire day of trying to find ideas for the wedding when all of a sudden, he went down on his knee and brought out another ring – it was a very beautiful diamond engagement ring. I was so surprised and overwhelmed that I could’nt answer, I just ran to my sister and showed her the ring. When I came back to junfer he was teasing me by asking – “wait your answer is yes right?!?” I just laughed and told him he did’nt even have to ask. I had to think that I must have been so good in my past lifetime to deserve someone like him.
I can vividly recollect a mixture of excitement, ecstasy, struggle and frustration of preparing a wedding from hundreds of miles from the venue. We have decided that we will have our wedding a year after Junfer proposed which will coincide with our 5th anniversary all the while thinking that a year is more than enough time to prepare and everything is ironed out even months before our big day.
I went back to the Philippines October of that same year to get a jump start on our wedding preparations. I was on a roll, before I left Manila, I already found the venue that I liked, booked the caterer that agreed to all my requirements, made arrangements with the couturier for the entourage’s attire, chose the church where the ceremony will be held and I even booked a singer for the evening. I really thought that by the end of the year I would have everything ready for a wedding to be held in September the following year. However, complications started around 3 months before the wedding. It started with the problems with the church, they want us to be back in Manila 4 weeks before the wedding to attend their 4-week couple’s seminar, which of course was not possible because I have to settle everything in the office before I left since after the wedding I’ll be going straight to the Netherlands and will not come back to Dubai. Well finally my family convinced the coordinator of the church that we will just attend a seminar offered in Dubai. Then there were issues with the entourage, who will be included, the gowns – the style, the barongs, which pair will wear what color. I realized that it was not easy to gather like 20 people to have them fitted for their gowns and barongs. My couturier was freaking out because it was less than 2 months and he has not fitted all the members of the entourage. Then there were members of my entourage who have chosen different styles of gowns (different from what I have chosen) while they were being fitted and so my couturier was already getting confused on what style he really was about to make for the entourage. I really flipped out at this point coz I already discussed the styles of gowns and which colors are to be made when I was in Manila. I was so frustrated that I found myself telling my couturier “this is my wedding, and they are my entourage so I am the only one entitled to decide which styles and colors I want – if they won’t agree with my choices I can replace them”. Later on I realized it was too harsh but the pressure was really getting on to me. I am less than two month’s away from my wedding and it seemed to me that everything was amiss and I can’t do anything coz I was miles away. The only consolation I had at that moment was that my bridal gown was looking fabulous.
Finally, I found myself in a plane going back to Manila 2 weeks before the wedding. The clock was ticking and I was faced with things like marriage licenses (which we’re supposedly late in acquiring), issues with additional flowers, sending out invitations, personally going to each principal sponsors, issues with decorating the church and church restrictions in general. One piece of advice to soon to be brides and grooms – make sure you check all the restrictions of a church before you make your final decision. We were two weeks away from the wedding day and I was really so frustrated with all the church restrictions of the parish that we have chosen for the ceremony coz they did not allow us to make elaborate flower arrangements, they restricted us with the choir, they do not allow personal wedding vows to be recited, there was just too much restrictions. We really wanted to find another church – it was really a dilemma coz we can’t change churches for reasons like the invitations were already sent out and we don’t have enough time to post our wedding to the new church (which takes approx 2-4 weeks) and so we had to make the most of what we can do (and bend a little of the rules).
Our big day has finally come, guess what we still needed to deal with a lot of tight spots. Flowers arrived late, hair and make up artists that were supposed to fix my entourage were slower than anticipated causing half of my entourage to arrive late at the church, my gown was a couple of inches bigger than it was on my last fitting day that’s why it was falling off (guess I lost a couple of pounds coz of the stress) - I guess that is the price I had to pay for following superstitious beliefs of not fitting your gown before the ceremony. I was pretty amazed and surprised even that we were able to surpass all those last minute slip ups.
Everything was a haze, all of a sudden I was walking down the aisle and all the imperfections were suddenly perfect. I did’nt even care that I had a hard time walking coz my gown was too heavy and too long for comfort. All I know is that there he was, the man of my dreams waiting for me at the altar and I was walking towards the beginning of our lifetime together. The string quintet played a beautiful song that made my walk down the aisle even more perfect.
Preparing for our wedding was a roller coaster ride, with all its ups and downs. But like a roller coaster ride it will leave you with an exhilarated feeling. In our case that exhilarated feeling has not yet left me. And after the wedding I can say that it’s really not the small details that counts, it’s the thought that the wedding made us husband and wife that matters. Although it still never fails to make me smile when people who were at our wedding tells me that we had a beautiful wedding coz for me and my honey it was the perfect wedding of all.

My Intricate Thoughts
Every now and then, you would get hit by a strong urge to just scribble down thoughts that hit you out of nowhere. We are most often bombarded by ideas that encompass anything and everything, opinions, inspirations, theories or even beliefs that were triggered by the simplest of experiences. One would just have to give in and start jotting, or in this case - typing.
This space aims nothing more but to capture the humble and yet elaborate musings of a 20 something lady that just can’t help but indulge and share her passion for the written word.
I have chosen to name this space “Intricate Thoughts” as I believe that each entry that I’ll be able to post here will all start from an obscure idea that can and will only take shape once I have given in to that urge of transforming it to a more tangible form.
This space aims nothing more but to capture the humble and yet elaborate musings of a 20 something lady that just can’t help but indulge and share her passion for the written word.
I have chosen to name this space “Intricate Thoughts” as I believe that each entry that I’ll be able to post here will all start from an obscure idea that can and will only take shape once I have given in to that urge of transforming it to a more tangible form.
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