Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Crazy little thing called love

While I was trying to pass time last night and would not be contented of merely watching TV, I’ve decided to surf the internet when I remembered that a very good friend of mine, my sistah Ira and her fiancé Gerald have a web log for their upcoming wedding and it’s been awhile since I’ve last visited the site. So there I was browsing through the entries which were all clearly written with so much enthusiasm, excitement and joy that can only be fueled by true love. I couldn’t help but be teary eyed as I realized that our Buttercup (from the powerpuff girls – long story way back from our college days) will soon become Mrs. Ricca Ira Carsula.

I can’t say that I know the groom to be all too well, all I know is that he was a member of the political party (Bukluran) that was and up to this date remains to be the arch enemy of our very own socio-political group (Tugon) to which the bride to be was (and still is) an active member. That is why it really came to me as a surprise when I’ve learned a couple of years back that they were together. Their love story would no doubt be the Romeo and Juliet of PLM.

Through these years, in spite of living in different countries (more so, different continents) Ira and I kept in contact through chats and emails through which I know that their love story has surpassed so many trials and challenges that strengthened there love for each other. I know that many have doubted their relationship, more than a few people thought that it’s not going to last but finally it looks like they have made it to the finish line – or should I say to the start of their lives together.

I just wanted to dedicate this space to a very dear friend, Ira. I couldn’t name anyone more prepared to embark on this journey called marriage than you and Gerald. I could not be any happier for both of you otherwise I’ll burst. I know that both of you will make it with the help of the love, prayer and support of all those people who care for you.


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