Tuesday, 13 November 2007

100 things to do before 35

When I was still working for PwC (then Joaquin Cunanan and Co.), I remember having a chat with my scrabble buddy (he was my seatmate most of the times and during slack periods we would play scrabble that is why he became my scrabble buddy) and he mentioned having a list of things that he wants to do before he reaches the age of 35. I thought it was a good idea so I made my own list, and that was about 3 years ago. I never really thought of a hundred things I got to around 50 on the first sitting and every now and then I update the list.
I lost my list when we move here in the Netherlands my flashdisk sort of went crazy and would not open now so I tried to recreate my list. Just then, I realized that there are too many simple things that I could do before that age that will make my life well lived. Very simple things like finish reading the Harry Potter books, the Da Vince Code, the Angels and Demons or watch all the Star Wars movies. I vividly remember having added them in my list 3 years ago and I felt a surge of accomplishment having ticked them off my list (well I have'nt finished reading all harry potter books i have yet to start the recent one released Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and there is 1 more to be released if my information is correct). There were also huge things that I was able to tick off my list like getting married to Junfer and going to Europe to mention a few, things that I know has changed my life tremendously.
The point is having a list of things, however big or small it may be, guided me on the path that I really want to take as I reach a tender age. It reminded me of things that i wanted to do, the places that I wanted to go to, people that I wanted to meet, things that I wanted to become. It gives me a picture of what I would want to happen in my life and creates a goal for me to achieve.
Until now i still have'nt listed a hundred things to do but I'm getting there and going through my list gives me a surge of excitement knowing that I have a lot of wonderful things to do that would spice up my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

35 year old married man bored with just about everything in life apart from my 2 beautiful kids some helful tip to think about,has made me realise maybe iv been thinking to big