Wednesday, 28 May 2008

20/25 Vision thanks to Lasik Surgery

I have worn eyeglasses and contact lenses as long as I can remember, more specifically ever since I was in the 1st grade. I recall, I was the tallest girl in the class and so the teacher has placed me in a sit at the back of the 1st row. That was the time I realized that I was having some trouble following the lessons because I can’t see anything the teacher was writing in the blackboard. That was when my mom scheduled my first ever trip to the optometrist. Although I was doing fine with glasses/contact lenses, all the optometrist that I have visited pointed out that due to my very high astigmatism, the grade of my eyeglasses and contact lenses was never enough to give me 20/20 vision and is just enough to make me see until the 4th line of the eye chart (or whatever that is called) so even though I have glasses and contact lenses, I still requested my teachers/professors to put me at the front row of the class. Ever since, me and my eyeglasses and contact lenses have battled through elementary, high school and college quite well.

Lasik (laser assisted-in-situ keratomileusis) surgery was something that I have been looking at for quite sometime now but I just feel queasy by the mere thought of someone poking my eyes and I was a bit terrified about the results (although I know that these fears were unfounded). What if I go blind or something, better to have blurred eyesight than none at all. However when we moved to the Netherlands, I have known a few people who have undergone the surgery and have assured me that the results are very satisfactory and the risks are minimal.

Finally, I have discussed with my honey and we have decided that it’s best that I undergo the procedure when we come back in Manila for our holidays. I have done some research online and found several well-reputed eye centers that offer the procedure, I have decided to inquire with Asian Eye Institute and American Eye Center through their websites. Both websites promise a response within 48 hours however only American Eye Center delivered an answer to my query. I tried to inquire again with the Asian Eye Institute but still no response. I also asked my mom to inquire with both the eye centers through phone and she commented that American Eye Institute is more accommodating. Finally, I decided to entrust my eyes with American Eye Center, I assume that if they are very accommodating with their clients online, how much more if they’ll be performing a procedure on you.

I had my initial tests on the 12th of May and the moment I have passed the screening, we immediately scheduled the surgery on the 19th of May. Even during the screening, the doctor already told me that due to my very high astigmatism, the best-corrected visual acuity that can be achieved through the operation was 20/25, which was more than fine with me. I was asked to arrive at the American Eye Center in Shangri La at 1:30 pm so that I could undergo further retina tests, among others. At exactly 3:45 I was inside the operating room with at least six others waiting for our turn to be placed under the humongous laser machine thingy that will eventually give us a brighter vision. Dr. Jack Arroyo performed the surgery on me. The actual procedure only lasted for approximately 15 minutes for both the eyes so before I knew it, it was my turn. As I lay on the operating table, my heart was pounding so hard I was worried that my eye would pop out of their sockets. It was so quick, I remember following Dr. Arroyo’s instruction to focus on the red blinking light at the center of the machine, there were moments when the light was blurry, sometime it was clear still again sometime it was not even there but I was still asked to focus on it. I didn’t feel a thing although I remember having a weird feeling around my lashes a split second while the procedure was being done. I think I held my breath the entire time. After a couple of minutes, which was like forever to my oh so nervous heart, the doctor finally placed the flap on my left eye (my right eye was already flapped right after it was done) and said that I did great. Whew, what a relief!

I was guided to sit at the waiting room just right outside the operating room and asked to wait for a little over 15 minutes, right after that, the flaps were removed and an attendant asked me to open my eyes so that she could drop some antibiotics over it. After the antibiotics were dropped, another doctor examined my eyes and said that everything looks great. I was escorted into yet another waiting room outside where my honey was waiting for me. The attendant gave him all the instructions, to which I was not paying attention to, about all the medications and instructions on what to do and what not to do. I had tears trickling down my cheeks for the next couple of hours. In spite of that, I can already see an improvement in my vision, I just can’t keep my eyes open for a long time coz tears are flowing harder and my eyes couldn’t take too much light. What did I do when I got home? I slept it off.

The following morning, I removed the protective glasses from my eyes and realized that I had a clear vision, one that I have never had before with contact lenses or glasses. I went back to the American Eye Center at 9am for my check up and the doctor confirmed that the operation was successful and I have now a 20/25 vision, which was in line with our expectation. In fact, on my 1st week check up which was last 26th of May, a day before we went back here in Amsterdam, the doctor was quite impressed with the result, she said that in fact, with my very high astigmatism prior to the operation, normally the best vision would be around 20/40 which was a blessing for me of course.

Thanks to all the doctors and staff of the American Eye Center for taking care of my eyes and for their warm and very professional approach in doing it.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm interested in doing LASIK myself but have the same fears as you did. My astigmatism is quite high's -4.00 in one eye and -3.75 in the other. If you don't mind me asking, what was your exact perscription before you had LASIK? I have very little myopia. Thanks, I don't know anyone else personally who's had it done so I would really appreciate a response from you. :)

Kreez said...

hi sarah, personally i really think that LASIK is one great scientific advancement and ever since I underwent the procedure I am convinced that I have made a great decision, if only I knew, I should have done it earlier. My prescription was -7.5 for both eyes, i also did have myopia so i can imagine that if you underwent the procedure, you would have better results.

Anonymous said...

Kreez, thanks for the quick response. I really appreciate it. I just have a few more questions, if you don't mind:

1. what kind of contacts were you wearing before your surgery? I ask because I've had a hard time finding anything that works for me and I seem to need less correction than you did before your surgery. 2. Were your corneas normal? I passed the screening for LASIK and am a good candidate but was told I have petite corneas. 3. How soon after the surgery did you see clearly? 4. What was your vision before the sugery? 20/ what?

Thanks, Kreez. Hearing these answers from someone who's had it done is a lot more reassuring/comforting than all the online research in the world.

Hope you don't mind...Congrats on your un-assisted vision and I hope I can have the same one day..:)

Kreez said...

Hi sarah, glad to be of help. I was wearing toric soft contact lenses, i have never tried any other contacts. Yes, I did have normal corneas. About the result, actually for me it was very quick, after i was taken in the second waiting room where the doctor was giving my hubby the post op treatment for the night, i tried to open my eyes and I swear although I still can't open my eyes for long because they were still sensitive to light, i already noticed a huge improvement. I think both my eyes were 20/100 before the surgery.

God bless and good luck! hope your LASIK surgery will be as rewarding as it was for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kreez,

I went in for a LASIK consultation today. Was told that I have thin corneas and extremely high astigmatism(which I knew). I may not be a candidate for this doctor (the best in town) as he's very conservative. If he says no for sure, then it's not something I will do anytime soon. I'm pretty sad right now..but I guess you have to roll with the punches in life, eh? I'm an expert at that...I get punched a lot. :) I know you probably could care less, but you're blog/experience was an inspiration for me to try to do this for myself. I'm glad things worked out for you...I wish I could have the same freedom.

Kreez said...

Hi Sarah,

I feel for you! I know how hard it is to have to be dependent on glasses and contact lenses, that's so sad but hey there is still hope, i do pray (and will keep on praying) that your doctor gets to consider you as a viable candidate and get past the obstacles. And your right whatever happens we have to be strong gals and roll gracefully with the punches.

I would really like to know what the doctor's final say would be. God bless and Good luck! keep me posted.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kreez, I heard from the doctor today. I am a candidate for Lasik. He can do custom Intralase Lasik on the right eye and can get the job done with one treatment. BUT! The left eye will take two treatments with two totally different procedures. Lasik first, three months later, they will have to do Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA) to get rid of the rest of the astigmatism.
AND! It will cost me 7k U.S. in total. It will be all out of pocket expense for me too.

Given all that information, I'm not sure how I feel. It's like having to prepare for much more than the standard amount of risk/anxiety involved for most people. The biggest thing I have to get over is that..if the surgery does not go as planned/my eyes don't react as planned--I'm pretty much stuck with what I have as I don't have enough corneal tissue to do anything else beyond the first surgery. So..if things don't go well, or if I regress after several years..I just have to permanently wear glasses. That's a lot of risk to assume.

What would you do in my position? I'm just curious...

Thanks for praying..and thanks for caring about me although I'm a complete stranger. :) It really means a lot. Thanks for all the information you provided me with as well.

Kreez said...

Hi Sarah, Wow, I didn't realize that our prayer for a lasik treatment would have such a complicated answer :-) Its great that the possibility of LaASIK was not ruled out at all. If I were in your shoes, most probably, I would ask the doctor about the % of risk, if he says that the % of regression or of an unsuccessful operation in less than 20% then I think I would still hgo for it, but if the % is greater than that then most probably I will skip the procedure or ask for 2nd opinion.

Hey God bless on your decision!

Anonymous said...

Miss Kreez, can you tell me how much did you pay for lasik in AEC? And how many days did you recover from the operation? Im trying to get lasik'd hopefully before this year ends..

Kreez said...

hi ananymous, i think i paid around Php68K for the LASIK surgery, but there was a promotion that time and that was discounted. recovery time is very quick actually, i had the surgery in the afternoon, went home had dinner, slept and the following morning I was fine.

hope that helps

Anonymous said...

Here is J. From Holland too, regular visiting the PH every 6 months with my PH wife. I am 55 years old and prescription is 2, but I need reading glasses too. Is their a maximum age to do this, am I not too old already for this

Kreez said...

Hi J, I'm not an expert but I don't think your age is a problem coz when i was in the waiting room I had a chat with this lady who was 53 years old who was having the Lasik surgery the same day, so I think it's fine.

I would really recommend the hosppital that i had my surgery done, they are very accomodating and very professional.

frida said...

A very good article.. which clearly explains the the pros and cons of the LASIK surgery.
Thank you for the keen information and i am happy that you share this information in very simple language and very efficiently.I would like to know the cost for the surgery.Their information also talks about tests to be considered before getting the surgery to avoid further loss.

Kreez said...

Hi Frida, when I had the LASIK surgery, we paid around Php68K (€1200 approx), this includes all the tests and medication that you would need. They will also explain the test results and everything about the procedure before they do it. Godbless!