Wednesday, 4 June 2008

This is my kind of strike (or is it?!?)

One of the things I have always admired about the Netherlands is how efficient the public transport is. The trains and busses arrive and leave on time (in most cases) allowing passengers to efficiently plan their schedule, which is by far a huge improvement from the public transport I grew up with in Manila where the LRT, busses, jeeps and more recently, MRT and FXs do not follow any semblance of time frame. Ever since we moved to our new home, I have never been more comfortable with commuting my way to the office and back since our place is a minute walk away from the bus station.

Connexxion is the largest public transport bus company in the Netherlands and their bus drivers have staged a nationwide campaign for better salary packages (thought that only happens in the Philippines but for higher fares, guess not), they called it a bus strike, although when they started their campaign, which was even before we went on holidays, I thought it was not appropriate to call it a strike because all the busses were still running on schedule and they demonstrated their protests by giving free rides to all passengers. I thought that this was very kind and wise of the drivers since by doing so will be detrimental to the earnings of the bus company without being a hassle to the public. However, when we arrived last Tuesday from our two-and-a-half-week-holiday from Manila, on our way home from the airport, we realized that strike was still on going.

My daily commute only involves busses and so you could just imagine my frustration when I have learned that they were on still strike on my first day back to work come Monday, and this time they mean strike for there will be no busses running the entire day and for who knows how long this strike will go on. My honey dropped me off to work and picked me up from the office yesterday (my very first day back at work) which was all good but he has to work late today and I have to craft my own way back home taking the train and walking from the station to our place. Ooohhh, I am not very fond of taking the train not for anything else but for fear of the unknown. You see I am not very familiar with the routes and stops and platforms and what-have-yous of taking the train, coupled with the fact that I am a typical gal, I am not good with maps, in fact I immediately get intimidated with a prospect of using a map whenever I travel, more so alone, and in my own little mind I think that maps were made by men to confuse women haha.

I really do hope that this strike ends soonish so that I could go back to my old comfortable commuting routine which suits me just fine.

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