Sunday, 21 September 2008

To my honey on our special day!

Seven years it’s been since you and I started a journey together. I wouldn’t have thought that that faithful day seven years ago would be the beginning of a love so true, a love so strong. Through the years, we laughed a lot, we had our share of tears, we had our days of triumph and our days of defeat but most importantly through it all we had our love.

Each day when I wake up with you beside me, I feel overwhelmed and can’t help but believe that God must think that I have done something so good to deserve someone like you. I am grateful for your patience every single day, for your respect and pride in the things that I do, for your unfailing trust, for your genuine kindness, for your constant faith. I am thankful for so many other things that you are that I find no words good enough to describe. Above all, I am thankful that you found me worthy enough for your love and your affection. Thank you honey, for all that you are and for all that you do.

Honey, I am not sure if you know this but you have filled my life with so much color that everything just looks brighter, more vivid, much better. You have always been my silver lining in a gray horizon, my hope when everything seems to crumble. You have given me a kind of happiness that not only fills my being it overflows. You are my peace when the world seems to be nothing else but chaos. You are my inspiration when all ideas seem to run out. You are not only my husband, you are my lover, my best friend, my confidante, my partner, my equal, my better half. I still can’t thank God enough for the gift of you in my life.

Seven years with you flew by so quickly, it’s like it was only yesterday and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, to grow old together I imagine myself all crinkled and white haired and hunched and blurry eyed but still holding your hand and laughing at your corny jokes and still so very contented just sitting next to you. Honey, you are all I ever wanted, even before I knew what I really wanted. With you in my life I know that the future will be bright.

I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you for loving me and for the opportunity to love you back and for the promise of a future with you that looks really hopeful. I will forever thank God for you!

I love you so much honey, I know you know that and happy 2nd wedding (7th) anniversary and many, many, many more to come. Really looking forward to it!


niko said...

So SWEET!!!! you write so well kreez, galing!!

congrats to both of u! and happy anniversary! im also looking forward to seeing you two on your nth anniversaries to come!

take care always..

Kreez said...

hey niko, thanks!

well come to think of it, can't imagine that its been that long. diba dati eh coach lang natin sya sa basketball team at kasama ko sa Tugon hehe and now we've been together for 7 years. What a journey!

regards to your hubby and baby take care!

docemdy said...

Congratulations! I wish you both a lifetime of marital bliss!

Kreez said...

thanks dr em

Anonymous said...

thank you so much mahal ko...
You know how much i love you and i will always love you!!!

Manggy said...

Aww, that's so sweet! Happy anniversary! :)

Kreez said...

hey manngy thanks!