Friday, 31 October 2008

Luggage in tow

While honey and I were packing the suitcase that I’ll be taking with me today, very late last night, I can’t help but notice the difference in volume of my bag as compared to the size of the suitcase when Honey’s the one going on business trips. When he went to Korea a couple of weeks back, what he had in tow was half of the size of the bag I’m taking with me today. I even trimmed down the things that I have to bring.

When I got here in the office, all the guys who see my luggage was like “that’s a big bag, how long are you gonna be there for?” However, when lady colleagues see my bag, they don’t find it strange. Why is it that guys can live with so few essentials and women can’t?

What do I consider essentials anyway? For starters of course I need to have my toiletries (conditioners, facial wash, moisturizer, lotion, etc. etc), hair dryer, hair iron, I’ll be in the office most of the day so I need my corporate attire, we’ll be going out in the evening and on the weekends so I need casual clothes and of course shoes that will go with these outfit. If you combine all of these, it results in a huge bag.

Anyway, I am off to Singapore and will be there till Sunday next week. I’ll be there for business purposes but hopefully, I’ll have time to explore the city as well since I have never been there before. I’ll bring my laptop with me but I’m not sure If I’ll be able to have connection while I’m there. I’m really thrilled apart from the fact that I’m going to a new place without honey.

Be back in a week!

Thursday, 30 October 2008


I’m a skirt kind of gal. So in the morning when I want to dress up pretty quickly, my obvious choice of wardrobe would include a skirt. The same thing happened today. I wanted a fuzz free morning so without a second look, I grabbed a skirt that I seldom use and went on about the business of preparing myself for the day. Only after stepping out of the door have I realized what a big mistake I made. It was darn chilly outside and my skirt is thin, what saved me from the verge of hypothermia was my trusted warm boots and my comfy trench coat. It would have been fine if I have worn leg warmers, however, my sense of fashion hasn’t completely swayed to the new season yet. I think I’m still in the fall mode so I haven’t pulled my warmers out from their hiding places. I best do that very quickly.

On the way to the office, I noticed that grasses were covered in white. It must have hit below zero overnight and so the mist turned to ice. It’s lovely. I have always liked staring out the window to take in the beauty of a field covered in ice, it’s so clean, so fresh, so beautiful. And when winter is in full swing, there is no better site to behold than the canals turning into ice. Last year, I laughed so hard while I watched ducks (who normally swim on the canals) who couldn’t help but slip on the slippery of ice.

No wonder it was chilly, It was 2 degrees (Celsius) outside. Winter is here to stay!

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Difficult Question

Last year, when honey and I went to Belgium during the Christmas break, we chanced upon a DVD box set that has all the episodes of Alley McBeal. Since I have been telling honey how much I enjoyed watching the series when I was in high school/college, he suggested that we buy the set so that he can also see what I was raving about.

Fast forward to this week, I don’t know what got into me, maybe it was hearing Barry White over the radio that made me crave to see the series once more. I started watching one episode before going to sleep since Sunday, however, it was last night’s episode that had me thinking.

The episode was about this hefty lawyer, he was so big judges are more lenient on him being late because it was more difficult for him to move around because of his size. Ally was then handed a case and the opposing counsel was this lawyer. During the case, as Ally was trying to catch opposing counsel to reach a settlement, he started to have a heart attack and Ally saved his life. When the lawyer recovered, he developed an attraction to Ally and told her that he is willing to cancel his wedding (which was supposed to be that very same week) if she thinks that there is a chance for them. Of course, Ally turned him down and explained that if he truly loves his fiancé then he should stick with her. He accepted Ally’s response and left only to return to seek her advice. He told her that he loves his fiancé and his very comfortable with her but he loves her simply because she’s kind to him and that he knows she loves her but she doesn’t make her heart flutter and he’ll marry her because he is not sure if he will ever meet anyone else who will love him in spite of what he is. He asked Ally a very difficult question. He asked her, if she was in his shoes, would she wait for the “one” or would she settle for the only one?

I am a hopeless romantic so my answer to that question would be quite obvious. I have always believed that only when the time comes when you meet this person that gives you butterflies in your stomach that is the only time that you should take the plunge and tie the knot. Of course, that’s just me. I know that companionship and security are other reasons for marrying, love may not even be in the equation for some of them. But isn’t it most people’s dream to spend the rest of their lives with their one true love. I still feel that is the best way to go.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Special Day.... Tough Day...

As far as I can remember, I have always looked forward to this particular day of the year, October 28. Most often than not, even days before, I would be emerged in deep thoughts, planning a surprise I can conjure simply to make this day extra special. I even remember, when I was still in elementary, I would start saving money a couple of months ahead so that I am able to make this day more extravagant. Then when I lived abroad, there were even times when I specifically nominated to go back home just so I can be in Manila for this particular day, sans all the rain that would meet me there. My heart fills with so much fondness by merely looking back at how we spent this day in the past. Unfortunately, this year is enormously different from previous years, not because it has become less special or less memorable. This day, for me, simply became difficult.

Today is the day that my mom was supposed to celebrate her 63rd birthday. As early as the beginning of this year, I was already thinking of ways to celebrate it. I was thinking that maybe this year, I could bring her hear to Amsterdam so that she could see our place or maybe bring her to Hong Kong so she can meet some relatives living there or simply make arrangements so that she can visit a province in the Philippines that she has never been to before. I had so many plans on how to make this day extra special for her.... And it is difficult for me to know that none of them will ever materialize. It pains me that this special day, a day that had always been filled with joy, now evokes a pinch to the heart.

This day, no doubt, is truly special for me. The happiness that normally fills me on this day may be smeared by a gut wrenching pain of missing my mom but still this day is her day and I will try my very best to remember her during her happiest moments.

Happy Birthday Ma, I miss you and I will love you with all my heart… till the end.

Monday, 27 October 2008

CFC @ 10

The moment we arrived at the hall, we can already sense the subtle stress that is slowly building up in the air as the organizers were trying to polish some glitches 10 minutes before the program was supposed to start. Everyone was running a bit late, which didn’t help at all. Even honey and I, who were the designated hosts for the event arrived 10 minutes before the event started instead of an hour before. Weeks of anticipation and thorough preparation are now to be executed.

At twenty minutes past one in the afternoon, ten minutes behind schedule, honey and I took center stage and officially started the much awaited program in celebration of Couples for Christ – The Netherlands’ tenth year anniversary. The activities for the day were divided between the conference that would take place in the afternoon and the awarding ceremony and party in the evening. For the conference, organizers invited speakers from Vienna (Austria), Paris (France) and of course someone from the Netherlands. The speakers were able to capture the attention of the listeners with their inspiring talks as well as animated stories. They were quite effective in encouraging not only the members of the organization but also the leaders of the group to continue to strive and remain faithful in their service to the community. The conference was completed by celebrating the mass.

The awarding ceremony took place immediately after dinner. Several people from the community were recognized for their invaluable contribution to the organization for the past couple of years. And the rest of the evening was party! Party! Party!

True enough, in the middle of everyone’s busy lives, it is awe-inspiring to meet people who are able to devote a portion of their precious time and effort to undertake projects that helps not only a community that they belong in but also try to help others as well. It is an honor, for honey and me to have been witnesses to this joyous occasion for CFC the Netherlands.

To the leaders and members of CFC, Congratulations and more power, may God be praised!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Can't hold it off any longer!

The moment I peeled off the August leaf from our calendar to show the month of September, Honey has already been bugging me to bring out our Christmas tree and to decorate our windows with the twinkly lights that he so loves. I had to hold it off as long as I can, I had to remind him that we’re not living in the Philippines where Christmas is a 4-month event. I was actually surprised that Honey gave in and I was able to hold off the Christmas decorations for almost 2 months.

Yesterday, though, after going to church, we passed by IKEA and they already have Christmas trees and decors on sale. The moment I saw their display, I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold it off much longer. True enough, honey bought several rounds of tinsel and some other Christmas décor and told me “we should really put our decors out, we’re already late!” haha. No, I couldn’t hold it off any longer.

So here he is again, our good old, cute, pink-cheeked, plump Santa Claus, out from his hiding place. The characters from the nativity scene that we will put on display are next in line to be taken from their slumber box and dusted off. The Christmas tree and lights will be put in its place hopefully by next week. Initially, I planned to put all the decors when I get back from my business trip to Singapore but as honey said, “we’re already late!” so I’ll start next week and do the finishing touches when I get back.

I am so excited to start decorating the house! This is actually one of my most favourite events during the holiday season. I love how the décors create an ambiance of warmth and coziness, it helps elevate the merriment and builds up the anticipation for the special days to come.

Have you started decorating your homes yet? Or have you done it several weeks ago?

Monday, 20 October 2008

Looking forward

One of the things I enjoy most in life is travelling (especially with my Honey), so I am thrilled to finally be travelling to one of the most popular destinations in Asia, Singapore. I’m flying off by the end of next week and will be staying there for over a week. Although I’ll most probably be confined in meetings for most part of those days, I have the 2 weekends and afternoons/evenings to explore the city. I haven’t been to Singapore before so I am looking forward to this trip.

I have found useful information on the internet about travelling to Singapore, however, I was hoping to find more tips on which specific spots to go to, which food to try and what souvenirs should be had specially for first time visitors like me, so I am hoping that anyone passing by my blog who has been to Singapore may be kind enough to share their experiences/tips/comments/suggestions. Many thanks in advance.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Just for Fun

Chanced upon this questionnaire from Niko's Blog and I thought it would be fun to answer it, aside from the fact that i didn't wanna disappoint Niko hehe. So here goes nothing.

1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? A relative who is also a girl and was named Christian as well.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? doesn’t matter as long as I like the viand
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Nope, not yet anyway… hopefully soon.
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? My honey says I invented it haha…
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Sure why not, as long as I am with a professional
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk, Arce Dairy’s Blueberry and Selecta Ube Macapuno
15. RED OR PINK? Pink!
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Black pants and black boots
20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? Pasta Alfredo, yummy!
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? honey's scent right after he finishes dressing in the morning and after splashing his favorite perfume.
25. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? No one actually sent this to me, but I like the person who’s blog I got this questionnaire.
26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? Basketball, swimming, tennis
27. HAIR COLOR? black
28. EYE COLOR? Dark brown
29. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Not anymore, I had lasik surgery
30. FAVORITE FOOD? Pasta, pizza
31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy endings, definitely.
32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Batman: The Dark Knight
34. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer! Winter gets too cold.
36. FAVORITE DESSERT? blueberry cheesecake
37. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? have no idea
38. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? have no idea as well
39. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? Management Accounting (boring! heheh, in my defense I'm just reviewing a particular chapter hehe)
40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? don't have a mouse, i'm using a laptop
42. FAVORITE SOUND? sound of flowing water
44. WHAT IS THE FURTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? The Netherlands, yeah, i'm far away from home
45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? writing/speaking
46. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Manila, Philippines
47. WHOSE ANSWERS ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING BACK? everyone who wants to share more about themselves

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Purple Saturday

I was producing reports like crazy at work last week and so you can just imagine my relief, excitement and anticipation come Friday evening. I had planned a nice relaxing DVD marathon for the night with Honey and was looking forward to a lazy weekend. In the middle of the film medley, we received a call from a close friend, Ate (Sister) E. She asked if I had time to make a cake the following day, turns out, it was Kuya (Brother) B’s, his husband, birthday and she was planning an intimate dinner for close friends and family. I saw my lazy weekend fade further and further away as I started thinking of what cake to make. Oh well, lazy weekend next week then!

Ate E requested for the Brandy Prunes Cake, the same one that I made for her birthday, but then again I thought it might be good to make something that they haven’t tried before. I rolled up my sleeves and started digging through the pages of my compilation of must try recipes that I keep in handy and found this recipe for Ube (Purple Yam) Macapuno Cake. Instantly, it was like a light bulb appeared right above my head, I knew I have to make this, I have all the important ingredients (macapuno and ube) handy anyway since I planned to make this a few weeks ago. So I told Ate E. and she was thrilled. Perfect!

The cake was easy enough to make and it was done in no time so I lounged around a little bit and took my own sweet time anyway I only have to frost it and it’s ready to go. However, when I was trying to make the icing, it wasn’t as simple as I thought it would be. I followed the recipe and somehow, it didn’t work out too well. So, I ditched the entire thing and tried to make a butter cream frosting out of scratch. While making the frosting, after having poured a cup or two of sugar, I realized it was the wrong kind and had to bin the second batch of icing as well. I ran out of sugar and butter so I had to waltz my way to the supermarket (whew, good thing the supermarket was like 15 steps away from our home) to get some supplies. And as they say, third time’s a charm. The frosting was more than satisfactory.

We ended up arriving at the party a little bit late, oh, alright, really late! (an hour late to be more precise) But was good fun when we arrived. Everyone enjoyed the cake and before I knew it, the cake was all gone!

I really enjoyed making this cake, I loved the color of the icing. After all, violet is one of my uber favorite colors. The recipe is definitely a must try, although I would tinker the frosting recipe if I were you.

Monday, 13 October 2008

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Revisited

Viewing the trailer of the upcoming movie, Twilight starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, among others, has built up the anticipation at the pit of my stomach. I can’t get over how cute Robert Pattinson is. I can’t stop myself from letting out an ear splitting, goose bump raising, high pitched scream of …. “He is so cuuuutttee!” which earned me an amazed/worried look on Honey’s face as he hurriedly went out of the kitchen to check if I was choking or something. (Haha!)

I remember Robert Pattinson as Cedrick Diggory from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, however, I am surprised that he didn’t leave an impression on me, after all I have seen that movie dozens of times. Come Friday evening, I was still burning with the Twilight fever, so to see more of Edward (Robert Pattinson), I clutched the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD on my way to the bedroom and told Honey we should watch it again for the nth time. Being a Harry Potter fan himself, there were no contests.

The movie was just how I remember it, there seem to be a bleakness that surrounded the film from start to finish. I feel that the entire movie is too heavy and sad, however, comparing the movie with the book itself, I think the movie was able to impart a lighter ending to the sequel than what was actually depicted in the book. One of my favorite scenes is the Yule Ball, I liked the fact that Hermione was able to captivate the attention of Viktor (Krum) and I loved her look as she trailed down the stairs to meet him. All the challenges in the Tri Wizard tournament were all so exciting particularly the dragon challenge. This film has everything that a viewer can ask for, romance, thrills, struggles, funny moments and so much more. I have been entertained by this picture over and over again.

I think the reason why I never really noticed Cedrick Diggory is because there are just too many new interesting characters and too many developments going on at the same time. Watching the movie, this time paying close attention to Cedrick’s character, I think he did great given the limited scenes that he had. He has a certain charisma that is subtle and yet enigmatic. There is also something mysterious about his childish grin.

I am convinced that Robert Pattinson will definitely shine if given room to truly show what he’s got and Twilight is his chance. I am keeping all my fingers (and toes!) crossed that the film will also be shown here in good old Amsterdam on the 21st of November.

Twilight photo from here

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Kreativ Blogger: Intricate Thoughts' very 1st award

I just received a comment (which was unfortunately lost somewhere in cyberspace) from Tina of Everything but the Kitchen Sink which refers me back to her blog saying that something awaits me there. To my surprise, she has awarded me with the Kreativ Blogger award. Thanks Tina, it's heart warming to know that other people do appreciate my posts and I'm glad you enjoyed the entries here.

Now, the award has several rules:

* The winner may put the logo on his or her blog.
* Put a link to the person you got the award from.
* Nominate five blogs.
* Put links to the blogs.
* Leave a message to the nominees.

After some consideration, I have decided to nominate the following blogs:

1. Pulse - a blog that features movies, travels and restaurants among others. A treasure chest of great finds and provides a very entertaining read.

2. Wifely Steps - a hodge podge of interesting topics that piques various interests.

3. Niko's Blog - blog entries can't get any more real than this, she tackles true to life ups and downs of a young married couple's life and it doesn't hurt that her baby's pictures are so cute.

4) Sari-saring kulay - fun to read, very informative and provides a glimpse of a culture that i have always found so fascinating.

5) No Special Effects - I'm quite sure this blog is so used to receiving awards and stuff, funny and witty posts, great recipes, amazing pictures. what more can you ask for?

Monday, 6 October 2008

Me, myself and “I”

I have been meaning to post this entry for days now but I didn’t realize it will take me a while to finally think of the last item on the list. Toni, a couple of days ago, tagged me to write 10 things I love that start with the letter “I”. Initially, I was on a roll, I listed 9 things within 15 minutes but then the last one is always the hardest one to come up with. And so the list:

1) INRI – (Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm) one of the biggest factors in my life, if not the biggest, is my faith. In him, I find solace and peace. He gives more meaning to my triumphs and he provides solace and peace in times of trouble. I truly believe that there is no love greater than his.

2) Inay – I never called my mom “inay” but I think she would have liked it, same way that Mama Lits liked hearing it from the son of our couple-friend who’s kids call them “inay and itay”. As they say, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet and this term of endearment rightfully reminds me of my mom and how every now and then I ache to see her or hear her again.

3) Intricate Thoughts – I always had a passion for writing and when I was still in school, I had several opportunities to express myself in the written word. However, nowadays, being an accountant doesn’t really fulfill this desire. That is why I thank God for blogs, I was able to create Intricate Thoughts were I can express myself and it provides me a venue where I do something that is close to my heart.

4) Indigo – purple, violet, blue violet…. These are the colors that I really go for. This was the initial motif that I want for my wedding but then again I decided to go for rainbow, why just go for one when you can have them all.

5) Ice Cream – Ben & Jerry’s New York super fudge chunk, Haagen Dazs’ chocolate chip cookie dough, Arce Dairy’s blueberry and much much more… Pure indulgence.

6) Italy – Never actually been to Italy (although I’ve been bugging Honey to take me here soon). I have always dreamed of going to Italy (Venice in particular). It just looks to romantic and the food seems gastronomic. Haven for Pizza and pasta fanatics, how can I go wrong?

7) Incense and Candles – lavender, vanilla and peppermint are normally the scents that I go for. These make my bubble bath experience more relaxing and something to look forward to at the end of a busy week

8) Imagining – day dreaming, fantasizing. One of the many things I try to find time for is my alone time, this is when I allow my mind to soar in the depths of the ocean of fly the borderless freedom of the sky, this is the time when I make a vivid picture of the future that I want to have. I just love the freedom and the mind exercise it provides and it gives me a better perspective of my future decisions.

9) Inasal – too bad I only enjoy them each time I am back in Philippines. The smoky flavor of the chicken (I prefer breast) dipped in a mixture of soy sauce, kalamansi and some chili compliments the rice so well, it is so simple and yet so captivating.

10) “I love you” – of course! How can I write about ten things that I love that starts with letter “I” without writing this phrase. I would have to say that my normal day would start and end with this phrase. I feel like my day is not complete without me saying this to Honey and hearing it from him.

It was fun making the list, really want to keep the ball rolling so if any of you wants to be tagged, tell me so that i could give you a letter!