Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Purple Saturday

I was producing reports like crazy at work last week and so you can just imagine my relief, excitement and anticipation come Friday evening. I had planned a nice relaxing DVD marathon for the night with Honey and was looking forward to a lazy weekend. In the middle of the film medley, we received a call from a close friend, Ate (Sister) E. She asked if I had time to make a cake the following day, turns out, it was Kuya (Brother) B’s, his husband, birthday and she was planning an intimate dinner for close friends and family. I saw my lazy weekend fade further and further away as I started thinking of what cake to make. Oh well, lazy weekend next week then!

Ate E requested for the Brandy Prunes Cake, the same one that I made for her birthday, but then again I thought it might be good to make something that they haven’t tried before. I rolled up my sleeves and started digging through the pages of my compilation of must try recipes that I keep in handy and found this recipe for Ube (Purple Yam) Macapuno Cake. Instantly, it was like a light bulb appeared right above my head, I knew I have to make this, I have all the important ingredients (macapuno and ube) handy anyway since I planned to make this a few weeks ago. So I told Ate E. and she was thrilled. Perfect!

The cake was easy enough to make and it was done in no time so I lounged around a little bit and took my own sweet time anyway I only have to frost it and it’s ready to go. However, when I was trying to make the icing, it wasn’t as simple as I thought it would be. I followed the recipe and somehow, it didn’t work out too well. So, I ditched the entire thing and tried to make a butter cream frosting out of scratch. While making the frosting, after having poured a cup or two of sugar, I realized it was the wrong kind and had to bin the second batch of icing as well. I ran out of sugar and butter so I had to waltz my way to the supermarket (whew, good thing the supermarket was like 15 steps away from our home) to get some supplies. And as they say, third time’s a charm. The frosting was more than satisfactory.

We ended up arriving at the party a little bit late, oh, alright, really late! (an hour late to be more precise) But was good fun when we arrived. Everyone enjoyed the cake and before I knew it, the cake was all gone!

I really enjoyed making this cake, I loved the color of the icing. After all, violet is one of my uber favorite colors. The recipe is definitely a must try, although I would tinker the frosting recipe if I were you.


Anonymous said...

very apt title for this blog entry! purple saturday to signify baking that lovely ube cake or mourning the loss of the longed-for lazy weekend...whatever...all i know is that i was one of those who gobbled up a slice of that ube-macapuno goodness..hehehe

happy mid-week!

Kreez said...

hey ate susan, thanks for dropping by. glad you enjoyed the cake. till my next baking escapade haha.

Anonymous said...

hi sister, have you come across the "chocolate and zucchini" food blog by a frenchwoman named clotilde? she's got a lot of recipes there to try if you feel like it....the cookie monsters ARE WAITING!!!

Kreez said...

haha, i saw that blog once, but i didn't get a chance to go back. I'll definitely visit again to check out the recipes.