Friday, 26 February 2010

Post Nap time Pictorial

When I was still on maternity leave and Bee and I were the only ones at home, I got into a routine of washing up Bee at around 11pm then feed her then put her to sleep. Another habit that I got the hang of doing is taking her picture when she wakes up and send it to honey so that he'll see Bee while he's at work. I so miss those days of cuddling Bee the entire day.

Today however, I got to be on the other end of this routine. Honey is working from home today as our nanny is traveling so he's taking care of her the entire day. A little after lunch a really nice surprise greeted me on my mobile.

There she is... my little bundle of cuteness just up from her nap.

Here are some of the other post nap time shots I have of her.

This one I think is taken before her nap that is why she is all too serious... she wants to sleep already hehe

If you noticed all her shots are taken while she is seated at her throne (her bouncy chair) haha... she just loves that chair.

Ahhhh, I wanna go home to now to see my angel.... two and a half hours more!

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Monthsary 101

The 21st of every month is special day for honey and me. We celebrate our monthsary on this day. Although we have been together for quite a while now, the luster of this day hasn't faded, in fact it has gained more meaning and we are more excited to celebrate this day as the months passes by. This day is no exception.

Honey is not at home this weekend because he is facilitating a youth camp and since Charlie is still too small to sleep over at a camp, we decided that Charlie and i are just going to visit during the day and go home at night. So this morning, i didn't wake up with honey beside me which is always a strange feeling (that's why I never really liked it when he is on business trips). At around 7am though, he called me up on my mobile, i was a bit on the edge coz i just drifted back to sleep having fed Charlie at around 6:30. He asked me to go to the guest room to get a folder that he keeps in one of the closets there saying that he needs an information from that folder. I sleepily hauled myself out of bed and went to the next room. He asked me to open the closet and inside a bouquet of flowers was sitting in one of the shelves. And then he greeted me Happy monthsary.... I forgot I was sleepy after that. Now it made sense why it took him so long to come back to camp yesterday when he went back home to pick a couple of things that he forgot.

This gestures just make me fall in love with honey all over again. I am so blessed to have someone who showers me with love that overflows and who takes care of me to no end. When Charlie grows up and meets a man who is even a quarter of a husband honey is, then Charlie is so blessed, she will be loved and cared for and I will be at peace.

Happy 101st monthsary my honey! Love you much!

Friday, 19 February 2010

Look who's watching over me while I work

Honey and I had our valentines date on the 13th instead of the 14th coz we have an appointment on the 14th and to get away from the crowd. I requested that he take me to the movies coz I haven't gone to see a movie since I gave birth to my Bee and I really wanted to see Avatar.

We decided to just buy the tickets when we get to the cinema thinking that Avatar has been showing since December so most probably we'll be the only ones left who hasn't seen the movie. To our surprise, we arrived 15 minutes before the screening that we intended to get into and it was sold out. I was really disheartened and we almost didn't push through with watching coz we had to wait for another 3 hours and I didn't want to be away from Bee that long. But Honey convinced me to go and watch the movie.

While waiting for the next screening, we decided to eat first and that's when Honey remembered that BK sold thermos that featured Edward and Jacob. So we dropped by BK and we were told that they don't have it anymore. Through Honey's persistence, the guy checked from their storage and found one last thermos... yey!

So now as I click clack away from my laptop, I have this guy watching over me hehe.

Thanks Honey for Edward.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

After so long

I can now personally attest that motherhood warps time and each day passes by like a blink of an eye. This is the reason why this space has been neglected for so long. Just like that four months of maternity leave has come and gone and I’m back at work. I’m still trying to find my jive and balance work and taking care of my little angel. Good thing our nanny arrived a week before I had to go back to work.

So how are things since I last checked in? Everything is going quite well. I adore my Bee and I still can’t believe that a love this strong can exist. She is doing really well, she eats and sleeps very well. She likes to smile and giggle when we talk to her.

I got used to less hours of sleep, breastfeeding is still going well. During my first three days back at work I still manage to express milk. The nanny that we hired is coping with the new environment and with bee.

I sure hope that this would be the start of me being able to post more regularly in this site again. I sure missed it.