I can now personally attest that motherhood warps time and each day passes by like a blink of an eye. This is the reason why this space has been neglected for so long. Just like that four months of maternity leave has come and gone and I’m back at work. I’m still trying to find my jive and balance work and taking care of my little angel. Good thing our nanny arrived a week before I had to go back to work.
So how are things since I last checked in? Everything is going quite well. I adore my Bee and I still can’t believe that a love this strong can exist. She is doing really well, she eats and sleeps very well. She likes to smile and giggle when we talk to her.
I got used to less hours of sleep, breastfeeding is still going well. During my first three days back at work I still manage to express milk. The nanny that we hired is coping with the new environment and with bee.
I sure hope that this would be the start of me being able to post more regularly in this site again. I sure missed it.
Welcome back to blogosphere! I think we would be seeing Charlie soon? =)
thanks wits! surely charlie will make a lot of appearances in this blog hehe
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