Tuesday, 20 July 2010


This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of SeeSaw. All opinions are 100% mine.


For someone who goes gaga over American TV series like me, it irks me to no end that although the local channels here in features the series that I’m dying to see, they are always a couple of episodes behind! I have to search high and low for sources of these much awaited series and try to find a good enough site that will let me watch the latest issues between McDreamy and Meridith, or the latest drama between Stefan and Elena.

I’m so glad that SeeSaw has finally arrived. SeeSaw is an online TV that has both free and paid for contents from various providers like BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5, Indi Studios and various movie studio content. Hubby is also excited about this coz he’s now able to catch his favourite sports program which are not being aired here. Yey! What’s good about SeeSaw is that you have an option to watch hundreds of programs for free or rent premium shows from the US and UK, you can also catch up on 4oD and Demand Five programs. This site also allows you to share what you are watching with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

If all of these are not enough, I get to lounge around and enjoy great comedy shows on their Comedy Section. Who doesn’t love a good laugh.

I’m am really looking forward to browsing through other amazing stuff SeeSaw has to offer.

Visit my sponsor: SeeSaw - If you love TV

Monday, 19 July 2010

Resolve to eat healthier

No, this resolve doesn’t have anything to do with losing weight or looking more fab. It’s just that ever since our little Bee started eating solid foods, I’ve been planning to also do a revamp on our daily menu. I wanted to incorporate more greens in our daily food intake.

After reading this article, I’m more convinced that I should take a step towards over hauling our meals. It doesn’t mean that we’ll become vegetarians, I’m just planning to try and make a conscious effort towards eating healthy stuff. This way, Bee will grow up and get used to eating better and becoming healthier in the process.

I will start off by researching for recipes that are yummy and healthy at the same time.

Here’s to eating healthy!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

My Precious

If there is anything at the top of my wish list, that would have to be an LV bag. I’ve been lusting for it for so long but I’ve been going back and forth in deciding whether or not to get coz the practical side of me is whispering that I can do a lot of things with the money that I’ll buy the bag with.

Finally, two weeks ago, Honey solved my dilemma for me, he bought me my LV bag! It was a normal Wednesday, hurriedly went to work, did some spreadsheets, made some analysis, browsed websites in between, when honey called me up. He asked me “Honey, which is the LV bag that you like?” I said, “I like the Verona GM”, then he said “Ok, I’ll get if for you, I’m already here in the LV shop”.

You just got to love my honey, he’s big on surprises, I was really surprised coz there was no occasion. And he told me he didn’t take me with him coz he knows that the fickle-minded me would just tell him not to buy the bag coz its too expensive, so he just went off and bought it himself. I love him to bits!

( i love the intricate design of this little lock!)

I am so fond of my new bag, its big enough to carry all my stuff. My breast pumps, my bm storage kits and all my other knick knacks. Ayluvet!

Friday, 2 July 2010

Eclipse and a Nice Surprise

I have got to say last Wednesday turned out to be a really, really great day for me! It started off just like an ordinary Wednesday. I went to work, created spreadsheets, analyzed numbers, browsed sites in between when honey called me. He said he reserved tickets for Eclipse (Twilight Saga) and said he’ll just drop by a friend’s house coz we have been previously invited for a dinner that we cannot not go to, then we’ll go and see the movie. I even teased him that at least now we’re quite sure that we’ll make it to the movie unlike what happened with New Moon. However, later that afternoon, honey’s plan changed, he called me and said he’ll go home first before going to the dinner but the rest of the evening will remain unchanged.

So that afternoon, as I walk the street that leads to our door, I saw honey coming from the other side with a huge paper bag in tow. My oh my, it was a Louis Vuitton paper bag… Oh I finally have my bag. I digress, this deserves a whole new post.

Anyhoo, we watched the movie as planned. I was surprised that the cinema was full, all the while I thought there would be few people since its midweek. So there we were in the middle of a full packed cinema, most of the movie goers where teenagers as expected.

Of all the three movies that has been released so far, this is the one that I enjoyed the most. I love how they did the flashbacks for each of the characters. I have always been with team Edward but I must admit, Jacob is HOT! All the teenage girls (or maybe even the more mature ones) shrieking, at a decibel that could hurt a dog’s ear, every time Jacob graces the screen with his shirt off. I think the new Victoria is also prettier than the one who portrayed the character in the past two movies. However, I was just wondering how come the Denali Clan has not been introduced yet, specially the grudge that Irina would hold against the Cullens coz that plays an important part in the plot of the next movie.

It’s definitely an entertaining film and a must watch. I’m already looking forward to the next one!