Thursday, 8 July 2010

My Precious

If there is anything at the top of my wish list, that would have to be an LV bag. I’ve been lusting for it for so long but I’ve been going back and forth in deciding whether or not to get coz the practical side of me is whispering that I can do a lot of things with the money that I’ll buy the bag with.

Finally, two weeks ago, Honey solved my dilemma for me, he bought me my LV bag! It was a normal Wednesday, hurriedly went to work, did some spreadsheets, made some analysis, browsed websites in between, when honey called me up. He asked me “Honey, which is the LV bag that you like?” I said, “I like the Verona GM”, then he said “Ok, I’ll get if for you, I’m already here in the LV shop”.

You just got to love my honey, he’s big on surprises, I was really surprised coz there was no occasion. And he told me he didn’t take me with him coz he knows that the fickle-minded me would just tell him not to buy the bag coz its too expensive, so he just went off and bought it himself. I love him to bits!

( i love the intricate design of this little lock!)

I am so fond of my new bag, its big enough to carry all my stuff. My breast pumps, my bm storage kits and all my other knick knacks. Ayluvet!


witsandnuts said...

I'm eyeing that bag, too. But like you, I always withdraw from the thought of getting one. That's a brilliant move from your hubby. That way you wouldn't have second thoughts. Very pretty bag!

Kreez said...

Thanks wits! I'm really loving this bag, everything fits in it haha...

I agree, it was wise of my hubby to buy it without me haha....