Thursday, 30 December 2010

Project 101: Day 3

I got worried this morning, I woke up late and Baby Bee wanted to cuddle so I wasn't able to get up and work out in the morning. I was determined to workout in the afternoon though so in spite of the chores I had to do, the moment the meat was on top of the stove waiting to get tender, I popped in the dvd and started to workout. Bee was watching me and laughing at me and exercising with me the whole time, I just had to be careful to put the dumbbells out of her reach. What a way to power through.

I must say though, I getting used to working out but after new year I have to really focus on the other side, my diet!

Weight: 210lbs
Exercise: level 1 20 day shred
Breakfast - a bowl of oatmeal and a toast
Lunch - turkish pizza and yoghurt drink
Snack - grapes and half of the left over longganisa from breakfast
Dinner - rice and chicken roll

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Project 101: Day 2

It was very difficult to get up this morning coz it was so dark and it was too cold and my little one is hanging on my neck and trying to cuddle more tightly as she went back to sleep, but I forced my way out of bed and asked honey to cuddle with Bee so that I can start working out.

For entertainment, I watched the last episode of Glee as I followed Jillian Michaels bidding to move my body :D. Perspiring feels great.

In the afternoon, honey picked me up from the office and took me out on a date that explains the huge snack I ate. We decided to juat share the pizza coz I told him i didn't want to eat a full meal.

Weight: 210lbs
Exercise: level 1 20 day shred
Breakfast - a bowl of oatmeal and ham sandwich
Lunch - sandwich with cold cuts, non fat yoghurt drink, veal soup and croquettes
Snack - a couple of bites of roast beef sandwich, 1/4 lean ham and pineapple pizza and a slice of apple pie :-(
Dinner - didn't eat dinner anymore

Monday, 27 December 2010

Project 101: Achieve Ideal Weight

Ever since I gave birth, or maybe even before that, I have always been on and off the diet route. See I have a very sweet tooth, if not the sweetest, there is. And this is the reason why I struggle. However, now that I don't breastfeed my little Bee any more and now that I have settled into motherhood quite well, I no longer have an excuse not to go back to my healthy weight.

So today, I started working out in the morning again, I woke up, plugged in the 30-day shred by Jillian Michaels and started to move with the DVD. I should say it was a very nice feeling afterwards, hey I don't get to sweat at all during winter if I won't do this.

The plan is simple enough, I just want to overhaul my diet to include more healthy stuff and try to squeeze in at least half an hour a day of exercise. So to help motivate myself, I plan to make this space a journal of my progress (or retrogress as the case maybe). I also entered into a bet (anything that will help eh :D)with my cousin, whoever losses more weight by April wins 5 thousand big ones! (that is in PHP)

For today:

Weight: 210lbs (OMG my heaviest weight ever so this better go down!)
Exercise: 30 Days Shred DVD - 20 Minutes in the morning
Breakfast - 2 hard boiled eggs and orange juice
Lunch - turkey sandwich and non-fat yogurt drink
Snack - grapes & some chips (couldn't resist)
Dinner - three tablespoons of rice and sinigang na baka

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Les Paellas: Back to Barcelona

It delights me to no end when I unexpectedly discover gems amidst the sprouting choices of restaurants in malls these days. That is exactly what happened when we went to Les Paellas. I just had a long and boring hair treatment at Toni & Jackie’s in SM North and I could already hear my tummy grumbling. When I’m in this state of being, I no longer have the patience nor the strength to stroll down a crowded mall and crave for a particular menu, when I’m in this point of hunger and frustration, I would gladly try anything within a few feet from me. Having said that, I told honey that we should just have dinner at Les Paellas coz it’s the most interesting restaurant within ten steps away from the salon where I had my hair treatment. That is how we discovered this food haven.

As the name suggested, the resto’s specialty is paella so we ordered paella negra which was absolutely divine, it brought back memories of our Barcelona trip. This paella is almost as good as the one we had in Les Quinze Nits, and that is saying something about this dish. The only edge of the Spain version to the Les Paellas version is that the latter had less squid in it. This is a must try!

Then we ordered Shrimp Pizza, and man was this a real treat! A single bite and your mouth is treated to a myriad of wonderful flavours that doesn’t seem to belong to each other but somehow went so well together, it was bliss! I’m definitely coming back to this place if only to get another bite of this pizza.

With such succulent dishes, I could care less about the ambiance of the place, but having said that, Les Paellas has a very homey feel to it, very comfy couches and very friendly staff. Only thing I found odd was that there was a wait staff lying on the last couch (we were sitting on the couch next to it) trying to nap and when new clients arrived she had to be asked to move coz they wanted to take the last couch. Oh well, that was just an observation and in no way would hinder me from going back to that quaint little shop.

I would recommend this place to anyone who wants to get a taste of authentic Catalan dish! Yummy!

Monday, 20 December 2010

Chillin’ at chilli’s

Normally, when we’re about to go back home to Manila, I would make a list of all the places that we have to go to and restaurants that we have to dine in, however, this year, because I was quite busy the week before we fly back, I didn’t manage to make that list. Luckily, honey is always on the look out for the restaurants that he knows I want to go back to, that is how we manage to go back to this all time favourite place.

During our vacation, we made it a point to make sure that our itinerary for the day would cover places within the same area to avoid wasting time in traffic. That day, we were in Greenhills area, we had a foot spa appointment and we were about to go to a dinner appointment afterwards. The spa appointment finished early and we had some time to kill, we were intending to go to the shopping centre when hubby spotted Chili’s. We decided to eat a light snack (or what we thought would be a light snack) coz honey had a conference call anyway.

I was just so glad to be back to this favourite resto, it brings back nice memories. The food is still great but the highlight of the night was this divine chocolate mud pie! Even better that I remembered it.

I sure hope we can go back to this place the next time we’re back in Manila,