Monday, 27 December 2010

Project 101: Achieve Ideal Weight

Ever since I gave birth, or maybe even before that, I have always been on and off the diet route. See I have a very sweet tooth, if not the sweetest, there is. And this is the reason why I struggle. However, now that I don't breastfeed my little Bee any more and now that I have settled into motherhood quite well, I no longer have an excuse not to go back to my healthy weight.

So today, I started working out in the morning again, I woke up, plugged in the 30-day shred by Jillian Michaels and started to move with the DVD. I should say it was a very nice feeling afterwards, hey I don't get to sweat at all during winter if I won't do this.

The plan is simple enough, I just want to overhaul my diet to include more healthy stuff and try to squeeze in at least half an hour a day of exercise. So to help motivate myself, I plan to make this space a journal of my progress (or retrogress as the case maybe). I also entered into a bet (anything that will help eh :D)with my cousin, whoever losses more weight by April wins 5 thousand big ones! (that is in PHP)

For today:

Weight: 210lbs (OMG my heaviest weight ever so this better go down!)
Exercise: 30 Days Shred DVD - 20 Minutes in the morning
Breakfast - 2 hard boiled eggs and orange juice
Lunch - turkey sandwich and non-fat yogurt drink
Snack - grapes & some chips (couldn't resist)
Dinner - three tablespoons of rice and sinigang na baka

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