Monday, 20 December 2010

Chillin’ at chilli’s

Normally, when we’re about to go back home to Manila, I would make a list of all the places that we have to go to and restaurants that we have to dine in, however, this year, because I was quite busy the week before we fly back, I didn’t manage to make that list. Luckily, honey is always on the look out for the restaurants that he knows I want to go back to, that is how we manage to go back to this all time favourite place.

During our vacation, we made it a point to make sure that our itinerary for the day would cover places within the same area to avoid wasting time in traffic. That day, we were in Greenhills area, we had a foot spa appointment and we were about to go to a dinner appointment afterwards. The spa appointment finished early and we had some time to kill, we were intending to go to the shopping centre when hubby spotted Chili’s. We decided to eat a light snack (or what we thought would be a light snack) coz honey had a conference call anyway.

I was just so glad to be back to this favourite resto, it brings back nice memories. The food is still great but the highlight of the night was this divine chocolate mud pie! Even better that I remembered it.

I sure hope we can go back to this place the next time we’re back in Manila,

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