Thursday, 9 August 2012

Cohen Journey: Two months in!

Time flies when your having fun :D.  I have completed 2 months on my Cohen Journey.  Actually I’m on my 9th week, I just didn’t manage to post a second month mark last week.  

I’m happy to report that I have no deviations for the past 2 months (and almost another week).  Yey!  I really enjoy the food that I eat and I’m not desperate to eat things that I used to eat before.  

During my second month, I met one challenge that really defined my commitment to this lifestyle.  This month, we went to Brussels for a long weekend so I really had to psyche myself.  I had to prepare beforehand and make sure that I have all the meals that I would be eating before we left.  I had to carefully plan my meals and snacks and buy all that I require.  I’m really glad it all worked out.  I almost had a glitch though, we were supposed to be home by dinner of Sunday but we were invited to have dinner.  So I had to tell the host that I’m not eating coz I’m on a special diet and she understood and didn’t force me to eat.  I had to wait till much later that evening for my dinner but it was all good in the end, still no deviations!

There are instances when were in social functions and people would be eating around me and sometimes it entices me to have a taste but in the end I don’t give is so all is good.  I believe this is good practice for when we go for our holidays in the Philippines.

I still get some urges to eat chocolates and sweet treats when people around me are having them but my will overpowers my sweet tooth (or sweet jaw) :D.

This month I lost 16.0 lbs and in total I have already lost 39.8lbs.  Yey! Hurrah for Cohen. 

I just wanted to share, my most favourite food is shrimp salad.  Thank God for shrimps, just mix them with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper and they are heavenly.  

I’m so excited to finally achieve my goal!!!


Maita said...

Hurray! Nice going sis. Can't wait to get updates on your progress.

Kreez said...

Thanks sis! will post update soon!

witsandnuts said...

Sounds motivating! Parang gusto ko rin lalo na I gained much (again) after magbakasyon sa Pilipinas.

Kreez said...

nako wits, grabe naman kasi ever since I gave birth to Bee hindi ko na nalose ang weight... kaya nag cohen nako... super motivating sya, effective talaga :D

goodluck to me I'm going on holidays to the phils in 2 weeks time :D