Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Cohen Journey: 3-Month Mark!

Hmmmm, I’ve been counting the days actually and as of writing, I’ve been on Cohen for 89 days, weee!!! And I’m even happier to report that I didn’t deviate at all in any of those days. (tap on the back for me :D, LOL!).

It really helps that I like what I eat and that I enjoy seeing my progress as I go through this Journey.  I do have some tricks that I believe helped me even more to stick to Cohen.

1)      Batch weighing – I buy stuff during weekends and I weigh all of them so that its easy for me to just pull one bag and prepare it to my liking.
2)      Batch cooking – I know a lot of Cohenites  don’t favour batch cooking as they believe its not as accurate as cooking meals separately but I must say, I wouldn’t have been this successful if not for batch cooking.  You see I’m a busy working mom and anything that will make my journey easier, I’m all for it.  The trick is to be as scientific about it as possible.  Like for example, I always batch cook Nilagang Baka. 

-          How do I do it, I weigh my beef for 5 days (so for example my allowance is 100g per day then I would weigh 500 grams).  After that put all of it in a boiling pan, sprinkle enough salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and ginger powder.  After that, I put ample water and boil meat till tender.
-          After the Beef Nilaga is cooked, I let it cool a bit then I separate the meat from the broth then I weigh the meat.  I divide whatever the cooked weight is to the number of portions I cooked (e.g. I cooked 500grams of beef and the cooked weight is for example 400grams then I divide that by 5 giving me 80 grams so I pack 5 portions of 80 grams each, the same thing that I do with my broth, I weigh the broth and divide it by the portions and pour it on the meat portions seal and put on the freezer.
-          So every time I only need to get one portion of this batch cooked beef nilaga heat it and add the veggie allowance.  Easy peasy.
3)      I always treat myself with fruits (my favourite of which is mango), this curves my cravings for sweets
4)      I have recipes for tamad days and recipes for when I feel a bit more into cooking that way I have a food handy for every mood.
5)      I just let it be, if I loose 5lbs in 1 week, fine, if I loose 2lbs, fine.  So long as I know that I’m sticking to my program, I let the weighing scale be.

I wouldn’t have succeeded thus far if not for these points above.  I’m really excited to embed this lifestyle into my own and I’m getting there.

So how did I do so far, I’ll give the latest update (Day 89 – that is a bit more over than 3 months).

Start Weight                 - 236.4 Lbs ( I know, I was huge!)
Current Weight             - 181.6 lbs (YEY!!!!)
Total Weigh Loss         - 54.8 lbs (YEEEEYYY!!!!)

Next biggest challenge…. Our trip to Manila…..  

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