Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Ahh, Its That time of the year!

At the corner of the warm and cozy sitting area stands a big sturdy tree decorated with colorful Christmas balls, sparkling tinsels, extravagant lights and covered with white artificial snow with gifts of all shapes and sizes resting beneath it. I stare out the window with a warm cup of coco in my hand savoring the wonderful sight of the moonlight reflecting on the snow covered pavement. I can hear the sound of laughing children running about in a cold winter night as they knock from one door to the next offering an angelic Christmas carol in exchange for sweet treats. Finally, when the group of kids buzzed on our door, Honey comes running with his jars and jars of chocolates and candies and would request the little pink cheeked darlings for at least three songs while showering them with his endless stocks of sugary treats – as he always does with kids. Then we hear the huge bells of the nearby church echoing through the dark streets, signaling that Christmas has come. We would at last settle at the dinner table laid with a feast that I know would have left overs to last for a couple of days and yet I just feel that to omit any part of the banquet would be a total disgrace so let there be left overs.

This is how I vividly picture me and my honey’s first Christmas here in our new home. Of course I’m not sure if there will be kids that will sing the Christmas carols in exchange for treats since I didn’t see them last year, although I’ve been told that in our area several kids would be accompanied by there parents as they offer there songs. And of course I’m not certain whether or not we’ll get to have the pavements covered with snow this year. But it sure mounts up all my anticipation for Christmas just by having this picture in my thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the christmas tree looks amazing, as well as the garlands...