Friday, 8 August 2008


A couple of weeks ago, I have tried making my very first batch of chocolate chip cookies and I was so encouraged with the results so when I chanced upon this recipe from Market Manila, I gave in and decided to make my own.

I couldn’t find any bread flour so I decided to substitute with ordinary all purpose flour and as for the feves or chocolate discs, I didn’t have them as well so I opted to use the bigger chocolate chips that I bought from Manila. I made my cookie dough Friday evening thinking that by Sunday morning, I would serve Honey these spectacular cookies.

Come Sunday morning, the moment of truth has arrived, I molded the dough in flowers and hearts shape and baked them as per instruction. When I heard the “ding” of the oven to signal that the cookies are ready, I hurriedly went and retrieved the cookies. The cookies didn’t hold the shape I made them into before baking but when I tasted it, it was absolutely fantastic. Much better than the first ones that I have made. Honey enjoyed it a lot and even brought some to the office come Monday.

This recipe is definitely worth making again.


Toni said...

Awwww those are sweet cookies!

Kreez said...

They were absolutely nice and the recipe is quite easy to follow :-)

thanks for dropping by toni!

Anonymous said...

taste even better...
can be worth of fortunes!!!