Thursday, 25 September 2008

My favorite breakfast in Athens

I remember the first time I tasted all natural yoghurt was at my mom-in-law’s (Mama Lits) place. I remember telling her that I wanted to eat something very light for dinner and so she brought home a huge tub of yoghurt for me, being the engaging mom in law that she is. The very first taste of yoghurt made my face cringe from all corners, I almost spit the tablespoon worth of the stuff out of my mouth. It was so sour I wondered if I did anything wrong to Mama Lits to subject me to such torture, of course I’m kidding… definitely about Mama Lits but not about the yoghurt. I was never fond of sour food in the first place.

Over the years, in spite of my aversion towards natural yoghurt, I have grown fond of flavored yoghurts. My favorite of which would be the blueberry flavored ones. However, when we moved here in Holland, I was exposed to more types of dairy products that I could ever imagine. This encouraged me to give the natural flavored yoghurt another chance. This is when I developed a new found love of natural yoghurt. I discovered that the key to really enjoy it is to put a teaspoonful of sugar or so or add a tablespoon of comfiture of your choice. By doing so would lessen the tartness and it brings out the creaminess of the yoghurt.

When we were in Athens, it so happens that breakfast is included with the rates of our hotel room so I was expecting a typical continental buffet with the tired fried bacons, eggs, cereal, bread, etc., etc., etc. To my delight, while browsing through all the food that was on offer, I chanced upon this huge tub of brilliantly white yoghurt. I decided to start off with it so I scooped a couple of tablespoonfuls and sprinkled some sugar and topped it off with a comfiture of sorts (I think it was mango). To add a little bit of flavor, after mixing thoroughly, I scattered a generous amount of muesli on top. The resulting yoghurt was amazing. Just enough tartness to excite your palette, a sweetness that cuts the sour aftertaste of yoghurt and a crunch that very well compliments the creaminess of the this yoghurt. I think that this particular yoghurt is creamier and is thicker than the normal ones I find in Holland. I think the Greeks do something different with their yoghurt that gives it a little more umph than the one’s that I got used to.

I tried some of the breakfast buffet but in the end decided to stick with the Greek yoghurt for breakfast, definitely my favorite breakfast in Athens.


Manggy said...

I had yogurt too when I was a kid-- too tart! And to think it was strawberry-flavored! I forgot all about it till I went on a tour of Europe. My breakfast usually consisted of yogurt with cereal and fruit. Yummy!!! Now I am a convert ;)

Kreez said...

hi manggy, i think yogurt is the kind of food that you need to give a second chance before you acquire a taste for it.

Anonymous said...

i love flavored yoghurt too. my fave is strawberry. but i've never tried it with cereal, sounds interesting! ;-) and i agree, yoghurt is definitely an acquired taste. though i don't think i'll ever like turkish yoghurt, whish was surprisingly salty.

Kreez said...

hi caryn, yeah i think yoghurt is not for everyone, like my sister, she'll simply die if you make her eat yoghurt hehe..

haven't tried turkish yoghurt though.... i'l ask hubby if he ever had it coz he's been to Turkey a couple of times on biz trip before.

Tina said...

I would love my baby to call me "Inay" or "Nanay" but I think it's easier for her to say Mama. =) Anyhoo, I have something for you here: