Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Stunning Athens (Greece)

Greek mythology was one of the subject matters that fascinated me in school, who wouldn’t be with Zeus and his thunderbolt, Aphrodite - goddess of love and beauty, Athena – the patron of Athens and so much more fascinating tales. We’ve been shown dozens if not hundreds of pictures of the Acropolis, the temple of Zeus, the Parthenon. This fueled my interest in one day visiting the city that held witness to all these myths, Athens Greece.

Honey and I are celebrating our 2nd wedding (7th in total) anniversary this month and so he decided to finally bring me to Athens. We had to celebrate our anniversary earlier though coz honey has to go on a biz trip to Korea the day after our actual anniversary. He totally made up for it by choosing this destination to commemorate our special day. We arrived in Athens at around 9pm local time and in spite of the lateness of the hour, the summer breeze that greeted us as we stepped out of the airport was still too warm.

Honey made a great choice when he choose the hotel that we stayed at, there are areas in Athens that are too crowded in my opinion but the hotel’s location was just perfect, not overly crowded and yet just a minute away from the metro line which gave access to the entire city. As we walked out of the hotel trying to find a place to eat, I got my first view of the city.

At first glance, the city of Athens seems like an ordinary metropolis with the hassles and bustles of the busy streets, the shopping malls that abound every corner, towering buildings, hotels, tons of pedestrians trying to get on their way, taxis, cars, busses, trams and metro everywhere… At first glance everything seemed so common. Common… until you take a step back and look more closely, you’ll be left amazed.

It was a fun trip, memorable in fact. I hope I can capture the amazing places that we’ve been blessed enough to behold in to the written words (of course with the help of some pictures) in the next couple of days to share our wonderful experience in the stunning city of Athens.


niko said...

Wow! really wow!

my husband would really love to go there, he is such a fun of greek myth, imagine wanting to name our baby Helen from helen of troy. heheh but anyways, all i want to say is that..

please please share some more pictures!!!! :)

reading your post made me want to go to greece NOW! if i can. sigh.

happy anniversary to both of u. wish you all the love and happiness in the world..

Kreez said...

hi niko, more pictures coming up in the next days, bagal kasi ni junfer mag upload ng pictures eh hehe. Greece was really nice.

your baby's name turned out to be much much prettier than just helen.

M_S said...


I enjoyed your article. Would you happen to know of a picturesque clean beach around Athens? Last time I went to one that a travel book recommended, but it was so dirty.

Thank you

Kreez said...

hi m_s, personally we were not able to get to any beaches in Athens but when i was researching for our trip, the name Kavouri-Vouliagmeni area keeps on popping out when it comes to beaches, another place is Atika (to go here its best to have a car or rent a cab) and the synonymous tip was to go further away from the city to enjoy a better beach, otherwise, you can take the metro to Pireaus and take a ferry and go to Aegina or Angistri which will take about an hour

thanks for dropping by and i hope i was able to help. :-}