Finally I have finished reading the Twilight Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn). Initially, I wasn’t interested in reading the series coz I was concerned about the piles of books lying on my “to read” shelf but when I chanced upon the saga in one of my trips to the bookstore, I got curious upon reading a quote from USA today at the back of BD saying “Move over Harry Potter”. Is it really that good? What pushed me over the edge of my curiosity was the fact that books two and three were actually out of stock from all the bookstores that I passed, hmm, it must really be that good. My probing brain got the better of me and I gave in and bought Twilight and Breaking Dawn thinking that at least I already have two out of four and I’ll be going to Greece in a few days maybe I could find the other books there.
I rummaged through the pages of the first book immediately after arriving home and I was instantly hooked. Seriously, I couldn’t peel my eyes off from the leaves of the book in spite of the lateness of the hour. I managed to finish Twilight overnight and I can’t help but feel so frustrated that I don’t have the second book. It took every ounce of my patience to keep away from reading Breaking Dawn thinking that I would ruin the excitement, curiosity and thrill that build up after reading the very engaging Twilight.
Luckily, while strolling along the streets of Plaka in Athens, Greece, we passed by a huge shop that sells a wide selection of books. I finally got my hands on New Moon and Eclipse at a lower price even. I was torn between curling up in the hotel room and read the next books and hauling my self out of bed to explore a new city…. Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma. I managed to reach a compromise with myself, since we toured Athens the entire day, I was able to satiate my yearning for a couple of pages from the next books during those times when we sit idly to rest. That’s how addictive the Twilight Saga is.
The entire series is truly engaging to say the least. The way Stephanie Meyer portrayed the love story between Bella and Edward was really brilliant, readers would get captivated by the forbidden love between the lead roles. Later on in the series, the readers would be treated with a love struggle between Bella, Edward and Jacob. Truly, the saga is riveting, but is it really better than the Harry Potter series? As fascinating as the series is, I still think that the HP series was better written, had richer plots and would keep you more on the edge of your seat.
The Twilight series has its ups and downs, in my view. Some of the books in the series are better than others. Although I am still torn on what I think of the last book, I still think that the entire saga is definitely a must read.
hi kreez!
i borrowed your twilight pics, hope you wont mind dear.
thanks so much! mwah
hey niko, no probs!
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