Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Can't hold it off any longer!

The moment I peeled off the August leaf from our calendar to show the month of September, Honey has already been bugging me to bring out our Christmas tree and to decorate our windows with the twinkly lights that he so loves. I had to hold it off as long as I can, I had to remind him that we’re not living in the Philippines where Christmas is a 4-month event. I was actually surprised that Honey gave in and I was able to hold off the Christmas decorations for almost 2 months.

Yesterday, though, after going to church, we passed by IKEA and they already have Christmas trees and decors on sale. The moment I saw their display, I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold it off much longer. True enough, honey bought several rounds of tinsel and some other Christmas décor and told me “we should really put our decors out, we’re already late!” haha. No, I couldn’t hold it off any longer.

So here he is again, our good old, cute, pink-cheeked, plump Santa Claus, out from his hiding place. The characters from the nativity scene that we will put on display are next in line to be taken from their slumber box and dusted off. The Christmas tree and lights will be put in its place hopefully by next week. Initially, I planned to put all the decors when I get back from my business trip to Singapore but as honey said, “we’re already late!” so I’ll start next week and do the finishing touches when I get back.

I am so excited to start decorating the house! This is actually one of my most favourite events during the holiday season. I love how the décors create an ambiance of warmth and coziness, it helps elevate the merriment and builds up the anticipation for the special days to come.

Have you started decorating your homes yet? Or have you done it several weeks ago?


niko said...

ow that santa is so cute! yena would love playing with that, you know peek a boo game.

sadly we wont be decorating until after nov.1, and if ever we will yung mga lights lang siguro its hard when there are lots of children around the house. :(

congrats coz u still have the spirit of the phils. dapat tlaga nung september pa yan!! :)

Kreez said...

haha, actually our friends' kids love to play with him tugging on his hair and beard, good thing they're not able to pull all his hair out haha.

syempre naman, hindi pwede mawala ang Filipino style of celebrating christmas.

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty santa!
Here in Toronto, Christmas decors are side by side with Halloween items in the stores.
They cannot hold it any longer din!

Kreez said...

haha, I think the reason why people have a long outstanding love affair with the holidays is because of the warm and fuzzy feeling we get during this time of the year and that is why we want to extend it as much as we can.

thanks for dropping by ema!