Thursday, 30 October 2008


I’m a skirt kind of gal. So in the morning when I want to dress up pretty quickly, my obvious choice of wardrobe would include a skirt. The same thing happened today. I wanted a fuzz free morning so without a second look, I grabbed a skirt that I seldom use and went on about the business of preparing myself for the day. Only after stepping out of the door have I realized what a big mistake I made. It was darn chilly outside and my skirt is thin, what saved me from the verge of hypothermia was my trusted warm boots and my comfy trench coat. It would have been fine if I have worn leg warmers, however, my sense of fashion hasn’t completely swayed to the new season yet. I think I’m still in the fall mode so I haven’t pulled my warmers out from their hiding places. I best do that very quickly.

On the way to the office, I noticed that grasses were covered in white. It must have hit below zero overnight and so the mist turned to ice. It’s lovely. I have always liked staring out the window to take in the beauty of a field covered in ice, it’s so clean, so fresh, so beautiful. And when winter is in full swing, there is no better site to behold than the canals turning into ice. Last year, I laughed so hard while I watched ducks (who normally swim on the canals) who couldn’t help but slip on the slippery of ice.

No wonder it was chilly, It was 2 degrees (Celsius) outside. Winter is here to stay!


Anonymous said...

Winter is starting to set in here. But gee, 2 degrees celsius is freaking cold! Btw, I've included you in my blogroll. Happy weekend!

Kreez said...

it will get colder the next couple of weeks and maybe by christmas we'll have snow! yey!

thanks, i'll add you in mine as well