Monday, 20 October 2008

Looking forward

One of the things I enjoy most in life is travelling (especially with my Honey), so I am thrilled to finally be travelling to one of the most popular destinations in Asia, Singapore. I’m flying off by the end of next week and will be staying there for over a week. Although I’ll most probably be confined in meetings for most part of those days, I have the 2 weekends and afternoons/evenings to explore the city. I haven’t been to Singapore before so I am looking forward to this trip.

I have found useful information on the internet about travelling to Singapore, however, I was hoping to find more tips on which specific spots to go to, which food to try and what souvenirs should be had specially for first time visitors like me, so I am hoping that anyone passing by my blog who has been to Singapore may be kind enough to share their experiences/tips/comments/suggestions. Many thanks in advance.


docemdy said...

I love the cereal prawns at Maggie's in the Bugis Junction. The crispy squid at Makansutra Gluttons Bay in Esplanade is also awesome. Have a yummy holiday!

Kreez said...

thanks for the tips Dr. Em, i will definitely try to find all of them. It's actually a biz trip but I think apart from the meetings that i have to attend, i'll have loads of time to explore the city.

eastcoastlife said...

Welcome to Singapore!
I'm a blogger from Singapore. You can find some cool things to do in Singapore on my blog. Click on those links.
Hope you have an enjoyable trip. :)

Kreez said...

hey, thanks for that. I'll definitely browse through your blog for some tips. with 3 days before my trip i surely can use all the tips i can get.

Thanks for dropping by!