Friday, 12 December 2008

Return with a tag

My body finally gave in and I was down with cough and cold and muscle pains... name it, i've got it in the past two days. Thank God I feel much better now although my voice is still not the same and i still sneeze a lot. I guess its also the time of the year to catch a virus.

It's nice to go back to my blog and find a cute tag from Niko. It's quite simple actually, there are several questions and i have to answer them by searching through Google images and i have to choose an image on the first page of my search. Oh and of course tag other (7) bloggers to do the same.

1. The age of my next birthday

2. Place i would like to travel

3. My favorite place

4. A favorite thing

5. My favorite food

6. My favorite color

7. The city i reside now

8. The city i was born

9. My college major

10. Name of your first lover

11. A Bad habit

12. A hobby

13. My current wish lists ( Max of 3)

It was fun doing this tag. I am supposed to tag other bloggers to do the same and as I customarily do, I'd hate to limit the fun to just a few people, so instead of tagging bloggers in particular, I'm tagging everyone who wants to join in on the fun. Enjoy your weekend everyone.


Jhari said...

Nice answers! Most of us (I think) answered SHOPPING as a BAD HABIT. I was tagged with this one rin po. Here's the link.

Kreez said...

hahaha, exactly shopping is sooo addictive for us girls.

niko said...

Hi kreez! thanks for doing this tag, hope u are a lot better now.. di ka nakailag sa virus dear hahaha!

take care and when u are much better to answer tag again please do the hubby list tag.. its fun too!! hehehe

merry christmas!

Kreez said...

hi niko, exactly... all the while when everyone was getting sick around me and I was doing great i thought i've dodged the virus but then again i was wrong but i'm much better now thanks

I actually answered the other tag be posting it soon enough

Laki na ni yena nakita... cute!

Toni said...

aliw! i love the illustration for the baking one. :)

Kreez said...

haha, oo nga ang cute, parang very domesticated and old...