Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Sun kissed

I love it when we get a sunny day during winter. It doesn’t mean that it’s warmer but at least it’s bright and lively. Such is the case today and it perked up the start of my day instantly. I didn’t thought it would be coz it was raining last night and when I left this morning to go to the gym, I had to be very cautious as I walk coz some parts of the pavement were covered with ice and it was very slippery. Oh well, that’s typical Dutch weather.

While I was walking through the hall in the office, I couldn’t help but stare out the window, it was really beautiful out there, the sun was reflecting on the pond that was just outside, the trees were golden brown as the light trickles through the branches. As I look at the trees lined outside, I can’t help but be amazed, just a couple of weeks ago, all these trees were teeming with leaves but today, not one of them is left. I wonder how much longer we have to wait to see the pond turn into to ice this year.

We don’t get a lot of days like this during this time of the year in this part of the world, so I’m really very thankful for moments like this when the weather is lovely and I’m inspired to take a moment and appreciate the beauty that is around me.


emarene said...

I am sure by January that will still be a lovely sight -- all in white. I love the changing of season.

Kreez said...

same here, i love that i get to experience four seasons now as opposed to what we have in Manila

Umma said...

Hello Kreeze, blog walking here from Niko's site.

You have a very nice weather in there, Ijust love the winter to be like that.. same here in California..

Kreez said...

Hi Umma, thanks for dropping by... how i wish every winter day is like this but unfortunately it only comes once in while, like today it's gray and cold and one minute it's snowing the next its raining. I bet California winter is much nicer!