Honey and I have so been looking forward to our scheduled ultrasound last Monday which will finally tell us if it will be dresses or pants and trousers. Surprise, surprise…. Bee is a girl!!!
To be honest I was really surprised to know that our little angel is a girl. See, since I got pregnant, I’ve dreamt like five times (or even more!) that Bee is a boy. So when the technician asked us what we think the baby will be, I immediately said boy but it was such a pleasant revelation. I knew honey preferred to have a girl, as for me I really had no preference (on the contrary, I actually wanted both!). The experience is overwhelming really!
This ultrasound also told us that everything is in order that our little daughter is perfectly healthy. The technician measured everything, her head, her heart, her spine, her tummy and everything that can be measured. I had to laugh when she measured our little girl’s feet and told us “hey, your baby has big feet.” haha, takes after her mom, I guess. Good thing we live in a place where my shoe size is readily available, unlike in Manila.
It’s so surreal to know that in a couple of months from now, we will be caring for our very own little girl. See you soon Bee, our little princess.
congrats! how very very exciting!
nakita na agad ang size ng paa, hahaha! congrats again!
thanks lady cess, exciting talaga! oo nga nakita na agad above average daw ang sukat ng paa haha, ano ba un.
Congrats! Uy,mas malambing daw ang nga baby girls. Especially pag panganay. =)
Thanks wits, yan nga ang sabi ni hubby gusto daw nya girl kasi daw malambing hehe.
It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Kreez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am so happy for you!!!
I know naman whether boy or girl you'll be happy, but isn't it awesome when there's a gender na?!? :)
Toni, so true! iba talaga pag alam o na ung gender, you can refer to her properly and it gives you more excitement.
weeee did i get it right ba?? heheheh its a girl! weee sarap ng feeling noh??
ingat ng marami ha! now its the time to shop for the pinks and purples.. exciting :)
niko, yes, you got it right nga... super exciting talaga nagyayaya na nga akong magshopping eh although a lot of people are telling me not to shop for too much clothes coz a lot of people will be giving clothes as a gift.
wow, congrats! ;-) ang saya-saya!
caryn, thanks! super exciting talaga!
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