Thursday, 24 June 2010

Bee enjoys the pool on a warm day

We normally get around 10 days with great weather in this part of the globe. That is why last Monday, upon waking up to a great morning sun, I just felt this urge to stay at home. After having breakfast, Bee and I were playing in her gym when an idea popped in my head. Since it was a great warm day, I thought we might as well go out, get our new under water camera and march on over to the pool, anyway it's Monday and there is a class for baby swimming lessons that afternoon.

Honey was already in the office so I had to maximize my convincing power to make him come home early in time for the lessons. It didn't take much to make honey come home so we're all set.

We arrived a bit late for class but it turned out great. Charlie enjoyed herself and we're very happy about our new camera yey!

Here are some of my favorite shots for the day

I'm already looking forward to our next swimming lessons!

Friday, 18 June 2010

New and Improved TV Time

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of SeeSaw. All opinions are 100% mine.


One of the things honey and I share is a great love for watching TV, either movies or series. After a long day's work, we both look forward to sit back, relax and cuddle in the sofa with a big bag of chips and ice cold soda while enjoying our favorites. There are times when we are in the mood for good old suspense thriller movies, still at times we crave for a heart warming love story but most often than not, honey and I just love to laugh our hearts out as we enjoy our favorite comedy movies or series. As they say, laughter is the best medicine, that is why, more than the rest, laughing our hearts out as we watch these series and movies completely relieve us from the stress of a tough day. However, there are times when watching reruns after reruns of the same old show can get old. That is why it's great that I have discovered SeeSaw which offers a brilliant solution to the same old boring regular scheduled-programming.

SeeSaw revolutionizes our way of enjoying television programs. Through SeeSaw, we are given an option to watch hundreds of programmes for free. We can also opt for the rent premium shows from the UK and US. One of the best things about SeeSaw is that we can also catch up on 4oD and Demand Five programmes. SeeSaw also provides the functionality to its users to share whatever they are watching with their friends on Facebook and Twitter. Regular television programming can't top that. What sets SeeSaw apart from other site where we can watch streaming videos is that whatever we are watching from this site can be played in full screen safely and legally.

I was amazed when I browsed through SeeSaw's Comedy Section. They have a pretty comprehensive list of recent hit series that I've been wanting to follow. I can't wait for my next TV time with honey, we're going to have so much fun exploring this new treasure we've discovered.

Visit my sponsor: SeeSaw - If you love TV

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Our Little Bee Reads

I have been in love with books for as long as I can remember, naturally, when we had Bee, I wanted to share with her this fervent love affair that happens in every leaf that is turned. We started by reading to her while she was still in my womb, I’d read to her fairy tale books, the harry potter books, the twilight saga books and every book that I was reading that time.

Reading to Bee became a bonding moment for us, when she was born, and honey went back to work, in the middle of the day we would cuddle up in the sofa and I would read to her parenting books and baby books that I was devouring during those times. It was a win-win situation, I get to read up on things that I need to learn for our little one while she gets exposed to different kinds of words which I’m sure fascinated her.

We also bought several books that we read to Charlie before she goes to sleep and there are those books that keep her company when we travel just to keep her entertained during the day.

Of all the books we bought for Bee, her favourite is a board book entitled Hooray for Fish, I think she gets amazed by all the colours and shapes that is in the book. We always bring this book when we travel coz every time Bee starts to get bored, I whip this book out of her bag and she would be contented browsing through the pages… of course I help her flip through the pages.

Here is my little one reading her favourite book.

and here she is reading another of her books...

Monday, 7 June 2010

My Little Bee Eats

Ever since we started introducing our little Bee to solid foods, I have found a new joy. I get giddy every time my little angel reaches out and puts food on her mouth. I can see her enthusiasm and her enjoyment as she nibbles away her strawberries, or her oranges, or her shrimps or her chicken. Motherhood really gives new meaning to previously mundane stuff.

Our video cam has conked out on us so I told honey we should really get a new one to capture this moments with Bee. We finally got a new cam, we actually got a Canon D10, it's a waterproof camera with video... I thought since we already have a DSLR might as well go for a multi function camera.

We grabbed the first opportunity we have to start filming Bee as she eats. This is my little big girl eating her Breakfast last Sunday morning. I went a little crazy and played with the video on IMovie... i love love love IMovie!

Mobility for People with Special Needs

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.

This weekend was one of the most glorious weekends that we have had this year. It was sunny and warm but breezy enough to give us such a luscious temperature. Since we only get this kind of weather like five days a year (lols), what better way to spend it than to soak ourselves in as much sun strolling around. As soon as we woke up, honey, Bee and me packed our bags, got in the car and headed off to the nearest park. While we were parking, the driver of car two cars away from us grabbed my attention. He was getting off the vehicle and I noticed that he was being assisted by his passenger coz he was transferring into a wheel chair.

It never ceases to amaze me how much differently abled people have more mobility now. I can only imagine how restricted a handicapped person might feel and how limited they actually are without the technological advancements and aids that they now enjoy. I believe that the progress in terms of disabled people going back on track to their much desired road of independence are fostered by institutions such as NMEDA. NMEDA is the only association that promotes safe driving and equipment for disabled people. They are non-profit and their members are required to adhere to the safety standards of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. NMEDA dealers (members) are the ones who sell handicap vans and vehicle modifications for disabled people.

Through organizations such as these, people who are handicapped can be assured that they are getting help towards becoming more mobile and by transacting with dealers who are accredited by NMEDA, they can be assured that their safety is priority and the quality of the products they acquire are assured. Dealing with accredited dealers does not only benefit the disabled person but also their families and caregivers not only because these products help them become more independent but also because they are assured of their safety when using the products they purchased.

Safety and independence are two words that I know disabled people give much importance to and I think that it is great that there are institutions now like NMEDA who work towards the betterment of disabled people.

Visit my sponsor: NMEDA

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

I heart BLW

Bee is a bit more than six months now and I can’t really put into words how glorious these past couple of months were. I’m scared and excited and thrilled all at the same time each time our little family embarks and reaches a new milestone for our little angel. I think one of the most exciting things we have done so far is introducing Bee to solid foods.

When it comes to my Bee’s growth and well being, I always want to be armed with as much information as I can. That is why when Bee reached her 3rd month, I started to peruse books, websites, magazines and what have yous to research on how to best introduce solid foods and what type of foods should I give her. After a lot of digging, I came across a website which fosters a non conventional way of introducing adult food to babies, the method is called Baby Led Weaning (BLW). I was intrigued!

I started to search my trusted shopping site to find books that will give me more details on how to go about BLW and I found this little treasure.

The idea of BLW is quite simple. Since kids love to explore and since at six months (or from the time babies can sit with very little or no support) babies are mature enough to hold finger foods and put it in their mouth, instead of pureeing the food that we will give to babies, we should give them finger foods to start with. To simply put it BLW encourages parents to just let our babies get on with eating.

I tell you honey and me were so nervous the first few times that we let Bee eat coz she enjoyed it a lot and she would shove carrots and broccoli into her mouth and would start to gnaw at it. There were times when she would gag and my heart would really thump so hard but then after she gags for a while she would just move on to pick up the next piece of food that grabs her attention and would happily suck, gnaw and chew on it like nothing happened.

I further researched and consulted Bee’s doctor on what food I should give her and what she can’t eat yet. After knowing those things, I just gave Bee everything and she gladly tries everything we put in front of her. We bought her a high chair that has a big detachable plate of sorts and we would put her food in front of her and our entire family will eat together, I love it!

Apart from making our mealtimes more fun, with BLW there is less fuss in preparing food for our little one, she normally eats what we eat (but for her share, I don’t put salt). She gets to exercise her grip and hand and eye coordination coz she is also the one who picks the food from her plate and she is the one who decides whether she’s had enough of not. I must say, I’m a bit relaxed and I don’t stress on how much or how little she eats coz at this age, eating is more like playing for her and her main source of nutrients is still breast milk and she still drinks her milk as she always did. So far, Bee has tried so many kinds of fruit, veggies and meats but her favourites are carrots, oranges, shrimps, broccoli, strawberries, pumpkin and cauliflowers.

I will definitely recommend this method of weaning to my mom friends.