Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Cohen Journey: 20 Down!

I’ve completed the 19th Day of my Cohen journey! Hurrah! 

Why 20 Down, you ask?  That is the number of lbs that I’ve dropped in that short span of time! Amazing isn’t it?!?!  What’s even more amazing is that I don’t even feel that I’m on diet and I’m loving all the food that I’ve been eating.  

For the second week, I’ve cooked a batch of Beef Nilaga (boiled) and divided it as per my dinner allowance and I love, love, love it!

I also managed to scale down the time I spent on preparing my food for this week, which was my biggest complain over the last weekend.  Whew, thank goodness for that.

And if I may say, I’m so proud of me this week coz I managed to prepare treats for Baby Bee and Honey, that I would so love to gobble down myself.  Over the weekend, I made them pancakes for breakfast. 

If that is not enough, I asked honey to buy me a new toy, a cupcake maker! Of course I couldn’t let that thing of beauty go to waste, I had to test it! Voila, I made chocolate cupcakes which Bee and Honey enjoyed with the rest of our church mates over the after service snacks.  

And, since honey has been requesting for his favourite mocha cake, I’ve made him mocha cupcakes instead! I brought some of these to office for the boys to enjoy :D

Anyhoo, I digress, although, I think these are all good practice for me.  My restraint strengthens as I expose myself to temptations.  I can only hope that it will be easier for me to resist these heavenly treats.

Back to my Cohen journey…. I just want to say that I love this diet and its very effective for me.  It’s Godsend really, looking forward to ticking off my goals one by one!

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