Friday, 22 June 2012

Second week on Cohen

Another cliché coming… time flies! Hey, I warned you it was going to be a cliché.  But indeed time flies coz I’ve now completed my second week on my Cohen journey.  Yey!

So how has it been so far?!?

I can say that I’m really getting the hang of it and to be honest, there were a couple of instances that I told myself, “am I really on diet?”  That is how amazing it is, or is it just because I managed to scour the internet and got fab recipes from very supportive Cohen dieters as well, I could never tell.  

In a country where the typical lunch is two pieces of bread and cheese, my meatball lunch looked and tasted much more appetizing and luxurious than my colleagues meals. 

Currently my favourites are chicken paprika with creamy mushroom sauce, meatballs in sauce and beef tapa and cauli rice.  My favourite snacks are apple chips and apple tartlets.  I haven’t tried the cheesecake yet so I’m looking forward to making and having that soon.

Now for the best stuff: I have already lost 13lbs in a span of two weeks!  YEY!

On top of that, I don’t envy people eating cake in front of me and I don’t mind if we are in a restaurant and honey and Charlie are eating so I’m very encouraged.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that my progress continues.  No Deviations!  

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