Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Cohen Journey

I have taken the plunge and dove head first on this diet.  For the past couple of years, specially after my pregnancy, healthy living and eating has taken the back seat.  This has caused the pounds to pile up and made it more difficult to loose them.  

After reading a lot of great feedback from FN (a website that I frequent) and after mulling over it for months, I have finally decided to go ahead and do the Cohen Diet.  

What is Cohen Diet?

Dr. Cohen’s program is a rapid fat and weight loss diet that works in a fast yet healthy way. The program is based on a balanced eating plan. It does not require specially ordered foods or pills but instead, allows the customer to use the foods that are already available to him or her. Such foods include red/white meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

How It Works

  • By looking at blood test results, Dr. Cohen will assess and monitor with each client’s eating plan personally.
  • Once clients receive their eating plans, they will begin to rapidly lose fat and weight in a healthy way.
  • The balanced eating plan will also assist in firming muscles and toning the body.
  • Clients will be continuously monitored throughout the diet.
This with a handful of testimony made me decide to just go for it.  So far, I’ve been in the program for 5 days now and all is well

Here’s to a Healthy lifestyle!

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