Monday, 16 July 2012

Cohen Journey: 5 weeks on the road

I have completed my 5th week on Cohen with no deviations yey! So far everything has been great.  I don’t feel deprived and no cravings, well except for those times when we went to dinner parties and I just drink cola and everyone is feasting on a sumptuous dinner :D.  However, the sacrifices far outweigh the benefits and rewards of sticking to my eating plan.

In the past months, I have bought dresses that are a dress size (or two) smaller thinking that I will wear them when I’m thinner.  It has been months though (or for some a year or a bit more) and they still hang in my closet with their tags on looking lonely and craving to be taken out of the dark corner of the abyss that is my cabinet.  

However, this all changed on my fifth week on Cohen! It was in the morning, it was still a bit early and I was thinking of what to wear when all of a sudden, an idea clicked inside my head, seriously, I could almost see the light bulb pop on top of my head (teehee).  I thought, why not try how much further am I from actually wearing this dress that I have bought months (I’m not even sure if it was a year ago) from mango.  I was so excited while I was slipping the dress through and lo and behold, it fits!  I was so excited that I didn’t change clothes anymore.  The dress that I have so longed to wear for the past months finally fit! Ecstatic!

I was so excited that I just went on about preparing to go to work and went off my merry way strutting my way about showing off this blue dress that finally saw daylight.  When I got home that evening and while I was changing my clothes, I laughed so loud when I realized that due to my excitement, I completely forgot to take the tag off!  Good thing it stayed inside the dress and didn’t show :D.  In my defence, I didn’t plan to wear it, I was just trying it on to see how much more I had to lose to fit into it (LOL!).

I clearly remember the day that I bought that dress, there was a sale on Mango and I bought 3 dresses and out of the three I have only worn 1 dress in the past, the two are a dress size (or two) smaller.  So encouraged by my success the previous day, the following day, I tried on the other dress and my oh my, it fits!  Happy, happy me!

I have rummaged through my closet and started sorting out the clothes that fits me again…. I’m slowly conquering an entire closet of my clothes from previous years that all fit again!

I’m so encouraged and psyched to keep on going, this really is an amazing journey

So far I have lost 29lbs!


Lizzie said...

Wow. 29 lbs. That's great. I'm hapyp for you. Keep it up. :)

Kreez said...

Thanks sis! goodluck with our goal!