It has become a part of our weekends to meet up with our friends from CFC and last week it was our turn to host the dinner for them. The moment I woke up, I thought it was the perfect day to have friends over since we had a great weather. Thinking that I had all the time in the world and not wanting to miss the warm sun, Honey and I spent most of the day shopping and strolling. When we finally went back home, it was already 3pm and we realized we hadn’t eaten lunch yet. So we feasted on a salad with fried chicken strips dressed with balsamic vinegar. It was a refreshing meal for a hot day.
Immediately after lunch, I made my way into the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients for the simple meal I was planning to whip up. I still felt that it was too early so I took my own sweet time. I was quite excited to make the dessert coz I recently bought muffin moulds which were on sale so I started by baking the
blueberry muffins and blueberry streusels cake.

Initially, I only planned on making muffins but Honey requested for the cake so I obliged. Since I was planning a very simple dinner of chop suey and fried pork slices, after I have thrown the desserts in the oven I took my time in organizing my kitchen first clearing up all the ingredients that I have used, rearranged my plate cabinet and admired the desserts cooking in the oven and since I already seasoned the meat earlier that day, I started boiling some quail eggs, I peeled off some tiger prawns and I started to cut, dice and slice the vegetables and fried them up a bit while frying the pork slices on the side. In the middle of cutting and dicing and slicing, the doorbell rang. I stop midway of throwing another batch of vegetables in the wok to look at the time. OMG! It was already 6:45pm and our friends have started to arrive. I still needed to fry the rest of the meat slices, fry up some veggies, slice the prawns, shell the quail eggs and make the sauce. I started to panic so I paused and inhaled a deep breath. I thought to myself “don’t worry, the guests will not eat immediately, they will chat first and would want some drinks and by that time you’re done cooking.” So I welcomed our guests to our home and Honey entertained them while I try to speedily cook the rest of our meal.
In the end, everything turned out fine, I managed to cook the entire meal right after our guests have finished with their aperitif. It actually turned out perfectly coz the vegetable dish was served straight out of the stove top, it was warm, crisp and cooked just right and the meat dish was also fresh out of the frying pan. All of us enjoyed the meal, our friends particularly liked the dessert.

Moral of the story, learn to look at your watch once in while especially if your hosting dinner.
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