Thursday, 3 July 2008


I was blog hopping the other day when I chanced upon this entry about Plurk.What on earth is Plurk? Well it is A really snazzy site that allows you to showcase the events that make up your life, and follow the events of the people that matter to you, in deliciously digestible short messages called plurks.” With a name like that, who will not be intrigued? I gave in, satisfied my curiosity and created my very own Plurk account. Look how cute that message board is.

It’s quite a cool concept where members can send out messages on timelines, earn karma which will enable one to have access to more perks available in the site while getting connected to families and friends. Me thinks, Plurk and me will go a really long way. Plurk away guys! Click hereand be my Plurk friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good, good, good on you mate!!!